Transpersonal Psychology

Course Description
Transpersonal Psychology is a field or school of thought in psychology centered on the spiritual aspects of human life. The term Transpersonal Psychology was first introduced in the 1960s by psychologists such as Abraham Maslow and Victor Frankl. Transpersonal therapy is transformational in that it explores the whole person with special attention to how states of consciousness contribute to such an approach. This course will review eight core aspects of transpersonal therapy and applications.
Adjunct Professors
- Glenn Hartelius, PhD
Middlesex University
California Institute of Integral Studies - Randy Kasper, PhD
California State University San Marcos
- Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD
California Institute of Integral Studies
Pacifica Graduate Institute - Indhushree Rajan, PhD
Pacifica Graduate Institute
- Victoria Stevens, PhD
Antioch University Santa Barbara
Pacifica Graduate Institute
University of California Santa Barbara
Course Outline
- Week 1: Transpersonal as an Integrative Whole/All Person Psychology
- Week 2: Transpersonal as a Scientific Whole Person Psychology
- Week 3: Transpersonal as an Embodied Psychology
- Week 4: Transpersonal as a Psychology of Diversity
- Week 5: Transpersonal as a Relational, Transformative Psychology
- Week 6: Play, Creativity, Metaphor and Transformative Processes
- Week 7: Transpersonal as an Ecopsychology
- Week 8: Transpersonal as a Spiritual Psychology