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HMI College of Hypnotherapy

Why Choose an Accredited School?

Answer: Quality, integrity, and measurable outcomes. Unfortunately for the consumer, anybody can start a school or offer a hypnotherapy training course. They can give it any name they want, like the “American University of Hypnotherapy Training.” Many claim they are approved by a “Board” such as the “International Board of Hypnotherapy.” However, such claims mean nothing, because these “Boards” or “Hypnotherapy Associations” are private groups who make money by selling certifications.

Even “State Approved” or “State Licensed” is misleading. Most state agencies do not visit the school, do not review the curriculum, and make no claims about the quality of the education offered. State agencies do not police the schools regarding any claims they make on their website or advertising, so they can pretty much say anything they want.

These are some common characteristics of diploma mills:

  • Claim “Accreditation” but are not accredited by an accrediting agency authorized by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Offer degrees, diplomas, and certificates in an extremely short period of time.
  • Make claims and assert facts and statistics for which there is no proof.
  • Claim “Approval” by private business such as “Hypnotherapy Certification Agencies.”
HMI Graduate Matilda Sinani
Jake Rubin Testimonial