Hypnosis and EIP of DNA

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Publisher: Hypnosis Motivation Institute
Eliminating Interference Patterns of DNA
Interference pattern elimination is a modality which instantly identifies and clears away interference patterns lodged in the DNA. These patterns are the cause of conditions in your life experience that demonstrate any thing less than perfect peace, harmony, and flow in all areas. Many of these interference patterns have been inherited from our ancestors and or past-lives (bless them).
Scientists are discovering more and more about the mind body connection. Each one of the cells in our bodies is a living, and intelligent being. There are specialized clusters of cells called chromosomes, the genetic structure that carries the DNA, and the genes. Evidence shows that DNA records and stores information received from the subconscious mind, which holds memory from, yesterday, two years ago, even two thousand years ago from an ancestor past-life time of long ago.
DNA can be compared to a book; it contains recorded and stored information. The genes are like the various chapters in this book, each chapter contains information such as eye color, height, and sex. Just like a library the chromosomes house the books within their structure. Even more amazing it also stores every thought and experience that you and all your ancestors have ever had or were subjected to, in the subconscious mind sometimes referred to as the Akashic Record. Another fact to note is that children absorb 100% of all they come in to contact with during the first four years of life. The percentage of programmability decreases slightly as they mature. The Akashic Record is what a psychic reads like a ticker tape parade, it's all there all around you in your energetic field forever.
We each have a total of 46 genetic/energetic chapters. Inheriting 22 chapters from our mother, and 22 chapters from our father. The remaining two of these chapters contain what is referred to as the Original God Code the blue print which is of perfect health, abundance, and wholeness. If you look at your family tree you can get an idea of where you got your physical characteristics. You also inherit experiences, beliefs and talents. For instance that irrational phobia of snakes that seemed to show up out of nowhere, from your great great great grand mother whom you later found out died of a rattle snake bite. Or a natural musical talent retained from a past life as a Cuban band leader.
Scientists have concluded we all came from one mother "Eve", so we are all related and share 99.9% identical DNA, plus every bit of human experience recorded since the beginning of time stored in our DNA. These experiences form our belief systems as individuals, families and nations. Many of the more debilitating patterns lay dormant until they are triggered by a traumatic event. We share a lot of experiences of suffering, anger, self doubt, and cruelty as well as experiences of triumph, love, generosity, and benevolence. We have the potential to be all things, it's all within us, slave / master, victim /victimizer, rich /poor.
Which experiences do you choose to accept and embrace as truth in your life experience? Imagine the beliefs a rich and healthy person would hold for himself and his potential life experiences, now compare them to the beliefs of a poor and sick person. Unless they radically change their belief systems they will attract and live out what ever they believe to be true. Our beliefs create our reality.
Through the tools EIP of DNA, Guided Imagery and Hypnotherapy, we can choose beliefs that empower us and discard any fear based idiosyncrasy or irrational thoughts that have nothing to do with reality in the present moment. When we are stuck in limiting patterns, we tend to act out in unloving ways, blinded by fear and doubt, unable to see our unlimited potential. With out help stubborn ideology remain fixed, to be acted out as unconscious reflexes no matter how much will power or positive thinking we apply.
The power to break free is within our reach by deliberately programming the subconscious mind and using it as the vital tool it is intended to be. The subconscious mind only serves to bring forth what we believe, like a genie in a bottle, it makes no distinction between right / wrong, good or bad, your belief is its command. Discrimination is reserved for the conscious/critical mind.
Hypnosis bypasses the critical mind, the subconscious mind can then be tapped into and used like fertile soil in which desirable suggestions or seeds can be planted, and undesirable, "weed" thoughts are up rooted. Imagine the critical mind as an anti-virus computer program, the subconscious mind as the impersonal hard drive, the chromosome which contain the DNA as the operation system CD, and the genes representing the data on the CD. Once the critical mind is disabled, the new desirable information is allowed in, and downloaded to the subconscious mind. Undesirable data is deleted, the new data is sorted and saved ready to execute your desires.
New data creates new thoughts, feelings, and actions that vibrate at a certain frequency, which will in turn attract the people, events, and things, that vibrate at the same frequency consequently accomplishing your desires. By reprogramming our belief systems to reflect our absolute truth, we align ourselves with the original God Code blue print for perfect health, abundance, and wholeness. This is our natural state, of being. Imagine a world where beliefs that create feelings of self love, acceptance, security, and appreciation are the only seeds passed down from generation to generation. With this new technology, I see the possibilities of a world that truly works not just for a chosen few but for every one. Wouldn't you agree that it's time to have a talk with your subconscious mind? As a hypnotherapist I'm ready to help the world to make better choices one client at a time.
Life is meant to be a fun experience; I've listed many of the symptoms of possible interference patterns below. These dysfunctions, defense mechanisms and diseases are all evidence of how the body-mind compensates and tries to find balance in the presence of subconscious programming that is creating disturbances in the natural well being of the person. I see them as callous that build up as protection from irritation.
During the Soul Therapy process I integrate diagnostic tools such as Crystal Energy Work, Dream Analysis, Past Life Regression, Astrology, Handwriting Analysis, and Nutritional Analysis in order to get to that root of the interference pattern.
The next step is to neutralize the unwanted interference patterns, and in honoring the universal law that every void will be filled, I immediately begin the manifestation process to integrate the new and desired experience through Guided Imagery. This allows the client to virtually experience the desired outcome while in the hypnotic state. As we know the mind doesn't know the difference between the physical and the visualized.
The importance of this step is to acquaint the client with their desired outcome rehearsing the experience. The rehearsal process causes the body to produce "feel good" chemicals, fueling the law of attraction, allowing the desired experience to show up. The Revealing and Healing process is truly a rewarding and pleasurable experience.