A New Year, A New You

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Publisher: The Tolucan Times and Canyon Crier
Try Hypnosis to Change Your Life for the Better
You're driving down the road, lost in a daydream, and suddenly you notice that you've driven past your exit. Welcome to the everyday experience of hypnosis!
Hypnosis is often portrayed as being in a sleep state, but actually it is not. More accurately, hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness - an experience of focused attention, and is a normal tool in our consciousness toolbox. Hypnosis has also been defined as guided daydreaming; a natural, altered state of consciousness; a twilight state; as a process of influential communication; and as a relaxed, hyper-suggestible state. Relaxation is a pleasant byproduct of hypnosis; however, being relaxed isn't necessary for hypnosis to occur. Moreover, most people experience numerous other benefits from hypnosis, including stress reduction, increased focus and greater confidence.
By any definition and judging from numerous positive results, hypnosis is a powerful tool for change and or personal and professional growth. What can hypnosis do? A better question might be: What can't hypnosis do? Hypnosis can help you to eliminate fears and phobias, such as public speaking or a fear of heights, overcome barriers to professional and financial success, improve your relationships, lose weight, stop nail biting, reduce pain, conquer writer's block, and more.
Everyone can be hypnotized. Working in partnership with a trained hypnotherapist, individuals can utilize hypnosis for its power to move to greater degrees of personal and professional success.
As a new year begins, many people often establish resolutions and goals. Unfortunately often in a matter of days or weeks, few, if any, of these goals and resolutions have been met or even remembered.
Many spend time, money and resources not concentrating on the right things and missing the right path to success. Not taking action results in ultimately destroying our hopes and dreams.
Is 2006 the year that you improve your health by meeting your weight and nutrition goals, stop smoking, accomplish you creative goals, meet your financial objectives and more? Or is it just another year? Is 2006 a year to invest in or just another year to waste your full potential?
Take action now for a healthy and prosperous 2006.
Trish Ostroski is a Certified Hypnotherapist with offices in Tarzana and West Los Angeles, California. Trish is an Honors Graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. She can be reached at 818-795-8829. Mention this article and receive a free handwriting analysis and first session discount.