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HMI Distance Learning

Feel free to call us at 1-747-267-4738 or schedule a time for phone consultation.

HMI Distance School Tutors HMI Instructional Staff

HMI Tutors are graduates of HMI’s certificate program. HMI Tutors are also Certified Hypnotherapists and maintain private hypnotherapy practices in HMI’s clinic.

Your private HMI Tutor’s education and clinical experience translates to personal attention and assistance for your assimilation of course material and feedback on your practical and clinical experiences.

Each HMI Extension Student has access to a portrait and biography of their private HMI Tutor to help foster the close personal relationship that can develop between student and Tutor. HMI Tutors not only provide clarity and understanding on your video instruction, but also clinical supervision as they provide valuable feedback on your experiences with practicing the techniques and working with clients.

The hours of practical experience that you discuss with your Tutor/Clinical Supervisor can be accumulated to apply toward the supervised experience requirement of both Union Certification and/or State Registration.

For example: if you practice for three hours, see two clients for one hour each, then discuss those experiences with your Tutor/Clinical Supervisor for one hour, you’ll have accumulated six hours of supervised experience.

Additional Tutorial/Supervision appointments are available to actively enrolled HMI students at the discount rate of $55.00 each (a $75.00 value).

Shelley Halpern, CHt

Shelley Halpern incorporates a practical approach in her methods, integrating traditional Kappasinian methodology along with Therapeutic Imagery. Shelley is a proud graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

Hypnotherapist Biography

George Kappas, HMI Director

George J. Kappas
HMI Director, MA, LMFT

Welcome to HMI Online Distance Education. Celebrating my 40th year here at HMI, I am here to answer any questions you might have and help you discover how HMI can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Just click our "Contact Us with Questions" button to let me know how we can assist you further.

HMI provide 2 options for you to begin your online distance hypnotherapy training for no cost or obligation.

Option 1: You can start right now by registering and completing the prerequisite Hypnosis in History course online.

Prerequisite and Registration

Option 2: If you have questions before starting your training, you are welcome to call the HMI Director at 1-747-267-4738 or...

HMI School Catalog 300 Hours

Diploma in Hypnotherapy

HMI Diploma in Hypnotherapy IDL School Catalog Cover