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AHA Hypnotherapists Directory

Biography for Denise A. Gallagher, CHt

As an RN, a CPA, a life coach, and now as a hypnotherapist, I have helped many people to make changes in their lives so that they could be, do, or have what they wanted. I have observed that change is easiest when you can get your powerful subconscious mind working for you instead of against you.

Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool for reaching the subconscious mind where limiting beliefs and associations reside. In hypnotherapy, limiting beliefs and associations can be replaced with empowering beliefs and associations. Of course, you, as the client, are always aware and in control.

Why rely on willpower that often falls short, when you can use hypnotherapy to bring your powerful subconscious mind onboard to support you? In hypnosis, you are in a deep state of physical and mental relaxation, allowing your subconscious mind to accept beneficial, positive suggestions made by the hypnotherapist. Although hypnotherapy is not magic, the changes it helps to create can seem magical!

Hypnotherapy Specialties

  1. Anxiety
  2. Change Habits
  3. Chronic Pain
  4. Concentration
  5. Exercise
  6. Fears
  7. Headaches
  8. Improve Health
  9. Insomnia
  10. Pain Management
  11. Perfectionism
  12. Procrastination
  13. Relationship Enhancement
  14. Relaxation
  15. Self Confidence
  16. Sleep Disorders
  17. Stress
  18. Trauma
  19. Weight Loss


For over two years, I have assisted clients through hypnotherapy to move forward with career and educational goals, create satisfying relationships, improve sleep, live healthier lifestyles (improve eating habits and exercise), prepare for medical procedures, stop biting cuticles, increase confidence and, manage stress and anxiety.

Prior to becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist, I was a Professional Certified Coach. I coached clients, many of them adults with ADD, for eighteen years. I worked with them to organize themselves for work and school, increase self-confidence, and manage anxiety. I discovered that clients achieve their goals and attain their desires more easily when they are able to enlist the aid of the subconscious mind though hypnotherapy rather than trying to accomplish things through sheer willpower.


  • Master of Public Administration
    Ohio State University - 614-292-6446
    Date Started: 09/15/1978 - Date Graduated: 06/15/1980
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
    Ohio State University - 614-292-6446
    Date Started: 09/15/1972 - Date Graduated: 06/15/1975
  • Diploma in Hypnotherapy with Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2700
    Date Started: 08/09/2018 - Date Graduated: 03/20/2019
    Total Hours: 300 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1

Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. First Three Hypnosis Sessions - 06/2019
  2. How to Give a Dynamic Hypnosis Speech - 09/2020
  3. Hypnosis and Depression - 03/2021
  4. Hypnosis in History - 07/2018
  5. Rapid and Instant Inductions - 06/2019
  6. Release Technique - 03/2021


  • Certified Hypnotherapist
    American Hypnosis Association - 818-758-2700
    Certification Number: 011492
    Certification Valid To: Apr 12, 2026

Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Hypnosis and ADD-ADHD - 10/2020
  2. Hypnosis and Pain Management - 09/2019
  3. Hypnosis and PTSD - 06/2020
  4. Hypnosis and Seniors - 03/2023
  5. Hypnosis and Weight Loss - 08/2019
  6. Hypnosis for Anxieties and Fears - 09/2020
  7. Hypnosis for Immune Disorders - 03/2021
  8. Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - 04/2022
  9. Smoking Cessation - 08/2020
  10. Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator - 02/2020


  • Honors Graduate - Distance Education Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 03/20/2019

Professional Memberships

  • American Hypnosis Association
    Member Since: 2019
  • Hypnotherapists Union Local 472
    Member Since: 2019


Languages Spoken

  • English

Contact Information

Denise A. Gallagher
Culver City, California 90230, United States