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AHA Hypnotherapists Directory

Biography for Hettiarachchige Abaya Sirilal De Silva, CMH

Mr. De Silva Abaya Sirilal Hettiarachige (DASH), strongly believes that nourishing the body, mind, and spirit leads to a beautiful, bountiful, and blissful life.

DASH is derived from De Silva Abaya Sirilal Hettiarachige. It stands for ‘D’ as Dignities; ‘A’ Altering Habits; ‘S’ Simply by; ‘H’ Hypnosis. Dignities’ Life; simply altering habits by hypnosis. DASH performs Pranic Healing method to energize the etheric body.

DASH volunteered as a Preceptor of the Sri Ramchandra Mission of India practicing RajaYoga system of Sahaj Marg Meditation.

Hypnotherapy Specialties

  1. Abandonment
  2. Addictions
  3. Anxiety
  4. Concentration
  5. Fears
  6. General Practice
  7. Headaches
  8. Hypertension
  9. Improve Health
  10. Pain Management
  11. Phobias
  12. Procrastination
  13. Relationship Enhancement
  14. Self Confidence
  15. Sexual Problems
  16. Sleep Disorders
  17. Sports
  18. Study Habits
  19. Substance Abuse
  20. Tardiness


  • Diploma in Hypnotherapy
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2700
    Date Started: 06/13/2018 - Date Graduated: 03/22/2019
    Total Hours: 300 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1

Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Counseling and Interviewing - 07/2024
  2. Emotional and Physical Sexuality 1 - 09/2019
  3. Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction - 09/2020
  4. Hypnosis in History - 04/2018
  5. Mental Bank Seminar - 09/2019
  6. Neuro Linguistic Programming 1 - 02/2021
  7. Stage Hypnosis - 06/2022


  • Certified Master Hypnotist
    American Hypnosis Association - 818-758-2700
    Certification Number: 011488
    Certification Valid To: Jan 02, 2026

Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Healing the Inner Child - 06/2022
  2. Hypnosis and Transgender Clients - 08/2019
  3. Past-Life Regression Therapist - 04/2020

Professional Memberships

  • American Hypnosis Association
    Member Since: 2019

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Sinhalese

Contact Information

Hettiarachchige Abaya Sirilal De Silva
Win Made DASH (Pvt) Ltd Co
Wattegama, 20810, Sri Lanka