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Biography for Karisha Kirk, CCHt

Karisha Kirk has always been thoroughly fascinated by stories, in literature, and in life. She utilizes her training as a hypnotherapist to empower her clients to make small yet powerful changes in thought and behavior that allow them to create a more joyful narrative.

During each session, she focuses on meeting the unique needs of the individual with customized tools to ensure that progress towards their goals becomes a central theme in the next chapter of their lives.

Karisha graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute’s Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy. She is currently expanding her knowledge of clinical psychological modalities with HMI’s Accredited Mind-Body Psychology program.

Among other certifications, Karisha is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and a Therapeutic Imagery Master.

Hypnotherapy Specialties

  1. Anxiety
  2. Body Image
  3. Death or Loss
  4. Fears
  5. Guilt
  6. Negativism
  7. Pain Management
  8. Relationship Enhancement
  9. Relaxation
  10. Self Confidence
  11. Trauma


Karisha specializes in helping clients who have become discouraged due to unsuccessful attempts at making changes in the past, as well as those who have had change forced upon them by life events.


  • Bachelor of Arts
    University of Southern California, Los Angeles - 213-740-1111
    Date Started: 01/01/1999 - Date Graduated: 03/22/2002
    Total Years: 4
  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2700
    Date Started: 08/18/2020 - Date Graduated: 09/09/2021
    Total Hours: 720 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1
  • Associate of Occupational Studies in Mind-Body Psychology with Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2700
    Date Started: 09/13/2021 - Date Graduated: 10/31/2022
    Total Hours: 720 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1

Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. A Primer on Transpersonal Psychology - 11/2022
  2. Body Syndromes - 12/2021
  3. Clinical Case History Package 1 - 11/2022
  4. Conversations with Ghosts and Gods: Imaginal Dialogue in Therapy - 06/2023
  5. Elaine Perliss/Julia - Gaining Control - 12/2021
  6. Explode Your Practice with Phone and Skype Sessions - 02/2021
  7. First Three Hypnosis Sessions - 07/2020
  8. Healing Power of Hypnotic Scripts - 07/2023
  9. Healthy Boundaries - 03/2021
  10. Hypnosis and Weight Loss Part 2 - 04/2021
  11. Hypnosis in History - 04/2020
  12. Imagery for Life Passages - 03/2021
  13. Intuitive and Energy Healing - 02/2022
  14. jumpSTART 2022! - 01/2022
  15. Marc Gravelle - HMI Book Club - 05/2023
  16. Master the Arm Raising - 01/2021
  17. Metaphysical Imagery - 03/2021
  18. Mythic and Archetypal Imagery - 03/2021
  19. Parts Therapy - A Powerful 4 Step Process to Changing Lives - 06/2023
  20. Research Articles Course - 09/2022
  21. Subtleties of Hypnotherapy - 01/2021
  22. Synesthesia: The Neuroscience of Metaphor - 12/2022
  23. The Power of Releasing Guilt and Shame - 10/2020


  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
    American Hypnosis Association - 818-758-2700
    Certification Number: 010515
    Certification Valid To: Jan 22, 2028

Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Advanced Handwriting Analysis - 06/2021
  2. Advanced Imagery - 02/2021
  3. Certified Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis - 01/2023
  4. Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - 02/2021
  5. Healing the Child Within - 12/2020
  6. Hypnosis and Grief Recovery - 12/2020
  7. Hypnosis and Pain Management - 03/2021
  8. Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation - 03/2021
  9. Hypnosis and Tinnitus - 02/2023
  10. Hypnosis and Transgender Clients - 10/2020
  11. Hypnosis and Weight Loss - 01/2021
  12. Hypnosis for Anxieties and Fears - 10/2020
  13. Hypnosis for Test Anxiety and Success - 06/2023
  14. Mental and Emotional Release® Therapy - 01/2021
  15. Past-Life Regression Therapy - 05/2023
  16. Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - 01/2025
  17. Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator - 02/2021
  18. Therapeutic Imagery Master - 04/2021

Other Certifications

  • The Rewind Technique - Uncommon Knowledge - 11/2022


  • Honors Graduate - AOS Degree Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 10/31/2022
  • AOS Excellence Award
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 10/31/2022
  • AOS Private Practice Award
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 10/31/2022
  • Honors Graduate - Clinical Hypnotherapy Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 09/09/2021
  • Academic Achievement Award
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 09/09/2021

Professional Memberships

  • American Hypnosis Association
    Member Since: 2021
  • Hypnotherapists Union Local 472
    Member Since: 2021


Languages Spoken

  • English

Contact Information

Karisha Kirk
Bloomington, Indiana 47401, United States