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AHA Hypnotherapists Directory

Biography for Marie L. Griffen, CCHt

Marie has operated her practice in beautiful Virginia Beach, Virginia since 2022. She has made it her mission to introduce people to the amazing power of the human mind through hypnosis. To help human sufferings through releasing guilt and shame, releasing anxiety, fears and phobias, changing the old scripts that run through our minds. Something that someone may have said to us out of their own hurts and pains in our childhood. The seemingly insignificant remark that has crippled our self-esteem. The reasons we say or do thing that sabotages our dreams. Logically it makes no sense at all, we know we are capable of so much more and yet, here we sit day after day.

Marie enjoys being able to work with her client in the privacy of their own homes anywhere in the world via Zoom video call. Hypnotherapy is now her passion. She makes a nonjudgmental space where she can help the client find where they truly want to change, to improve, or maybe just reframe an old belief. She especially loves to work with sports performance, where a client can truly be their very best. Marie has taken a great interest in pain management, to come alongside the clients and physicians. Helping clients be able to lower their pain levels to live a better quality of life.

Hypnotherapy Specialties

  1. Anxiety
  2. Assist Healing
  3. Chronic Pain
  4. Death or Loss
  5. Exam Anxiety
  6. Exercise
  7. Immune System
  8. Pain Management
  9. Public Speaking
  10. Relaxation
  11. Sports
  12. Stage Fright
  13. Stop Smoking
  14. Stress
  15. Tinnitus


  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2747
    Date Started: 10/19/2021 - Date Graduated: 11/29/2022
    Total Hours: 720 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1
  • Associate of Occupational Studies in Mind-Body Psychology with Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2700
    Date Started: 11/28/2022 - Date Graduated: 01/31/2024
    Total Hours: 720 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1

Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Aging Well: Staying Sharp with Hypnotherapy - 01/2022
  2. Body Syndromes - 11/2021
  3. Build and Enhance your Hypnotherapy Practice with Group Hypnosis - 03/2023
  4. Clinical Case History Package 1 - 11/2024
  5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis - 05/2023
  6. Conversations with Ghosts and Gods: Imaginal Dialogue in Therapy - 10/2022
  7. Create a Professional Zoom Group Experience - 04/2023
  8. Creating Easy and Effortless Hypnosis Workshops - 04/2023
  9. Embracing Your Shadow Self - 07/2023
  10. Emotional and Physical Sexuality 1 - 08/2022
  11. Emotional Resiliency and the Actor - 11/2023
  12. Empowered Speaking for Success - 05/2023
  13. Everybody Rides the Carousel - 12/2023
  14. Explode Your Practice with Phone and Skype Sessions - 12/2024
  15. Extreme Self Care: Feed Your True Needs, Say Goodbye to Cravings - 03/2023
  16. First Three Hypnosis Sessions - 06/2022
  17. Hacking Happiness Hormones - 09/2023
  18. Healthy Boundaries - 08/2023
  19. HMI Student and Graduate Tips for Creating More Ease and Success - 01/2024
  20. Hoarding: How It Can Harm, How You Can Help - 08/2023
  21. How to Give a Dynamic Hypnosis Speech - 02/2022
  22. How to Release Self-Limiting Beliefs - 05/2023
  23. Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction - 07/2022
  24. Hypnosis Falsely Blamed - 01/2024
  25. Hypnosis in History - 10/2021
  26. Intimate Conversations with Dr. John Kappas - 12/2021
  27. Introduction to Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - 03/2022
  28. Introduction to Professional Podcasting - 09/2023
  29. Intuitive and Energy Healing - 11/2021
  30. Is Our Soul a Secret Problem Solver? - 05/2023
  31. jumpSTART 2022! - 01/2022
  32. jumpSTART 2024! - 01/2024
  33. Kappasinian Hypnosis - 11/2021
  34. Love, Sex and Intimacy - 07/2022
  35. Making Fast and Permanent Change - 08/2023
  36. Mental Bank Magic - 04/2023
  37. Mental Bank Seminar - 08/2022
  38. Mindfulness, Intention, and Meditation - 05/2023
  39. NLP: Principles and Strategies of Success - 03/2022
  40. Numerology - The Language of Numbers as a Tool for Success! - 10/2022
  41. Parts Therapy - A Powerful 4 Step Process to Changing Lives - 08/2023
  42. Research Articles Course - 11/2022
  43. Shadows, Sabotage and Subconscious Success - 05/2023
  44. Social Media Marketing from Your Smartphone - 03/2024
  45. Subtleties of Hypnotherapy - 12/2023
  46. Super Power Style: Dressing with Intention - 03/2022
  47. Taming the Critical Inner Voice - 05/2023
  48. The 12 Steps of AA and Hypnotherapy - 02/2022
  49. The Art of Positive Thinking - 08/2023
  50. The Art of Wish-Making - 10/2022
  51. The Decision Factor - 03/2022
  52. The Eel and the Blowfish: A Graphic Novel of Dreams, Trauma, and Healing - 08/2023
  53. The Empty Leash - Hypnosis and the Loss of a Beloved Pet - 04/2023
  54. The Gifts of Trauma - 03/2022
  55. The Power of Colors - 07/2023
  56. The Power of Releasing Guilt and Shame - 12/2023
  57. Understanding the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous - 11/2022
  58. Why Your Hypnotherapy Website is so Important! - 11/2023
  59. Wisdom of the Body-Mind in Hypnotherapy - 12/2021


  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
    American Hypnosis Association - 818-758-2700
    Certification Number: 010951
    Certification Valid To: Apr 09, 2025

Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Healing the Inner Child - 12/2023
  2. Hypnosis and Pain Management - 03/2024
  3. Hypnosis and Tinnitus - 03/2024
  4. Hypnosis and Weight Loss - 01/2023
  5. Hypnosis for Test Anxiety and Success - 03/2025
  6. Hypnosis for the Caregiver - 08/2022
  7. Smoking Cessation - 03/2024


  • Honors Graduate - AOS Degree Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 01/31/2024
  • Honors Graduate - Clinical Hypnotherapy Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 11/29/2022

Professional Memberships

  • American Hypnosis Association
    Member Since: 2022


Languages Spoken

  • English

Contact Information

Marie L. Griffen
Marie Griffen Hypnotherapy
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452, United States