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Biography for Sara Fogan, CHt

Sara is an honors graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. In addition to her skills as a Certified Hypnotherapist, she utilizes her academic background studying psychology and previous experience as a magazine writer and editor to create vivid, meaningful imagery to help people achieve their personal goals.

In addition to her hypnotherapy certification, she is a certified master practitioner of imagery and a certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Since graduating from HMI in 2005, she has earned continuing education certifications so that she can help her clients quit smoking, lose weight, improve sport performance, prepare for and recover from surgery, manage pain, cope with the challenges of immune illnesses and ADHD, and more. Sara uses Hypnosis, Therapeutic Guided Imagery and NLP techniques to help her clients successfully overcome fear of flying, prepare for state license examinations, increase self-confidence, and more.

Sara is an avid equestrian and trains in dressage with her Arabian/Lipizzan gelding. She particularly enjoys working with equestrians to improve their relationship with their equine partner and achieve competition goals. Through hypnosis, she helps clients to increase self-confidence and overcome fear/anxiety during so they can access their horsemanship skills when they are riding or competing.

Hypnotherapy Specialties

  1. Anxiety
  2. Change Habits
  3. Death or Loss
  4. Exam Anxiety
  5. Fears
  6. Motivation
  7. Pain Management
  8. Performance Anxiety
  9. Presurgical
  10. Rejection
  11. Relationship Enhancement
  12. Self Confidence
  13. Self Defeating Behaviors
  14. Self Esteem
  15. Sports
  16. Stage Fright
  17. Stop Smoking
  18. Stress
  19. Study Habits
  20. Weight Loss


In addition to her Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Sara R. Fogan, CHt has earned certifications as a therapist in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and in Reiki Energy Healing (Level II). Sara is also a Certified Handwriting Analyst and she is Certified in Past-Life Regression.She regularly participates in continuing education courses to enhance her skills in hypnotherapy and help her clients achieve various vocational and avocational self-improvement goals.

Sara also regularly attends horsemanship seminars. She studies Natural Horsemanship to increase her experience and knowledge of different equestrian disciplines and horse and human communication. She uses Reiki to relax and calm her client's horses.


  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2720
    Date Started: 05/10/2004 - Date Graduated: 06/25/2005
    Total Hours: 720 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1

Continuing Education

  • Smoking Cessation - 2004
  • Reiki (First Degree) - 2005
  • Reiki (Second Degree) - 2006
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming - 2006
  • Past-Life Regression - 2006
  • Hypnosis and Tinnitus - 2017

Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Basic Emotional Freedom Technique - 08/2010
  2. Clinical Case History Package 1 - 05/2015
  3. Counseling and Interviewing - 07/2018
  4. Crisis Intervention - 07/2013
  5. Eating Disorders - 07/2013
  6. Emergency Hypnosis - 06/2013
  7. Explode Your Practice with Phone and Skype Sessions - 08/2017
  8. Healthy Boundaries - 02/2023
  9. Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction - 02/2017
  10. Hypnosis and Weight Loss Part 2 - 08/2012
  11. Hypnosis in History - 12/2018
  12. Intimate Conversations with Dr. John Kappas - 11/2014
  13. Jumpstart 2017 Jamboree! - 04/2017
  14. Love, Sex and Intimacy - 08/2020
  15. Master the Arm Raising - 11/2015
  16. Rapid and Instant Inductions - 01/2013
  17. Substance Abuse - 10/2012
  18. The Power of Releasing Guilt and Shame - 09/2023


  • Certified Hypnotherapist
    American Hypnosis Association - 818-758-2700
    Certification Number: 011187
    Certification Valid To: Feb 28, 2026

Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Healing the Inner Child - 05/2014
  2. Hypnosis and ADHD - 08/2011
  3. Hypnosis and Childbirth - 06/2016
  4. Hypnosis and Grief Recovery - 02/2022
  5. Hypnosis and Pain Management - 10/2010
  6. Hypnosis and PTSD - 01/2013
  7. Hypnosis and Seniors - 12/2015
  8. Hypnosis and Sports Performance - 04/2010
  9. Hypnosis and Tinnitus - 09/2017
  10. Hypnosis and Transgender Clients - 08/2014
  11. Hypnosis and Weight Loss - 11/2009
  12. Hypnosis for Anxieties and Fears - 02/2023
  13. Hypnosis for Immune Disorders - 03/2012
  14. Hypnosis for Test Anxiety and Success - 01/2025
  15. Hypnosis for the Caregiver - 05/2015
  16. Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - 02/2012
  17. Trauma Recovery Hypnosis - 10/2018


  • Honors Graduate - Clinical Hypnotherapy Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute - 12/28/2018

Professional Memberships

  • Hypnotherapists Union Local 472
    Member Since: 2005
  • American Hypnosis Association
    Member Since: 2005

Languages Spoken

  • English

Contact Information

Sara Fogan
Calminsense Hypnotherapy
Valencia, California 91355, United States