Biography for Vanessa Lee, CMH
At the age of 5 years old, Vanessa underwent her first eye surgery to repair a torn retina. Consequently, losing her vision in her right eye and being declared Visually Impaired. She began the journey of restrictions as society began to create the narrative of her limitations in all areas of her life. The world’s portrait of her maximum capabilities never made much sense to her. She was fueled with a passion and an insatiable lust for life and love and nature and adventure.
Vanessa’s vision impairment didn’t feel like a deterrent rather creating a growing wonder, curiosity, and determination to silence the voices surrounding her. Fighting the masses of naysayers, she rejected the options presented before her. Being guided to learn Braille and being led to accept her "only successful path" as a Court Reporter, a suggestion that never felt fulfilling or of truth and of purpose. Creating a discord between the majority and self. A discord that could not be tempered.
She rejected this limiting belief and remained loyal to her heart’s desires to do, to be, and to create more. A continuous series of eye surgeries left her completely blind at the age of 16 years old. At this time she began her journey of trusting herself and her abilities to navigate the world around her, utilizing her other senses. After a 6 month period, regaining limited sight, she remained steadfast in her quest to live life with greater appreciation for her limited vision.
Whilst always feeling she saw and understood the world better than most. With heightened awareness and full focus on attention and intention to the service of others, accessibility, and pushing past any and all limitations. She enjoyed going to the deepest depths of self and learning empowerment by loss and gain. She knew with absolute certainty, they are not mutually exclusive but mutually necessary.
Embracing her intensified awareness of self and gratitude in seeing the world differently than others. Determined to learn as much as she could about humans and their perception and greater potential. Embarking on a solo quest for living fully without boundaries. Vanessa declares she has 20/20 vision, albeit, quite differently than others may expect.
She embraces the greatest gifts of sight, as she creates a practice dedicated to being a Navigator to all those who are unable to see their maximum potential. Pushing past uncomfort and discomfort in a safe and loving manner.
HypnoNavigator is devoted to bringing all things from darkness into the light. A multi faceted practice which promotes cultivating a safe space for all those seeking and in need. Her focus goes far beyond her early instinctive recognition and awareness. Utilizing various techniques and modalities of communication to support, encourage, enlighten, and integrate profound insights and highlights through Hypnotherapy and other self sustaining methodologies.
Vanessa’s mission is to deliver programs that can be incorporated into everyone’s day to day life. Without tools or devices – healing can be simplified and equally profound. Moving from Darkness into the Light is the core of our existence. We find power when our challenges become our greatest gifts. Words matter. Empathy guaranteed.
Vanessa advocates and is a navigator for the practice of Hypnotherapy in the industry, educates, formulates best practices, and is militant in serving with honesty and integrity to best serve all. Fearlessly combating the illusions of weekend course "Hypnotherapist." An advocate for the practice of Hypnotherapy which requires extensive knowledge, experience, research, dedication, and probity. A Navigator for a clear path forward to experienced healing resources and adhering to the highest authorities of best practices.
Hypnotherapy Specialties
- Assist Healing
- Breathing
- Communication
- Death or Loss
- Dreams
- Fears
- General Practice
- Guilt
- Panic Attacks
- Past Life Regression
- Relaxation
- Self Expression
- Self Mastery
- Stress
- Trauma
- Worry
- Certified Trauma Support Specialist (CTSS)
- Board Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA)
- Certified Professional Patient Navigator (CPPN)
- Certified Yin Yoga Teacher
- Certified Pranayama Teacher
- Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga
- NLP Practitioner
- Psychology Body Language Specialist
- Professional Paralegal
- Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy - 818-758-2747
Date Started: 06/17/2020 - Date Graduated: 11/28/2021
Total Hours: 300 - Total Weeks: 52 - Total Years: 1
Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association
- Advanced Advertising and Promotion - 03/2025
- Body Syndromes - 11/2021
- Cancer: The Path of Diagnosis to Hypnosis - 09/2020
- Child Hypnosis - 02/2025
- Clearing up Traumas at the Energy Level - 02/2025
- Clinical Case History Package 1 - 03/2025
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis - 07/2020
- Crisis Intervention - 02/2025
- Cultivating Mindfulness Using a Mind-Body Approach - 02/2025
- Dream Interpretation - The Key to Unlocking Your Subconscious - 10/2024
- Embracing Your Shadow Self - 10/2020
- Emergency Hypnosis - 02/2025
- Empowered Speaking for Success - 03/2025
- Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapeutic Metaphors - 02/2025
- Getting Comfortable with Silence - 03/2025
- Hacking Happiness Hormones - 03/2025
- Healing Developmental Trauma and Adaptation with Hypnosis - 09/2020
- Healthy Boundaries - 07/2020
- Heart Medicine: Stop Painful Patterns and Find Peace and Freedom - 02/2025
- Help Your Clients Overcome Writer's Block - 10/2024
- Helping Hypnotherapy Clients with Driving Anxiety - 03/2025
- Holotropic Breathwork: A Teacher’s Perspective - 11/2022
- How Forgiveness Impacts Brain Functioning - 03/2025
- How to Give a Dynamic Hypnosis Speech - 03/2025
- How to Release Self-Limiting Beliefs - 08/2020
- Hypnosis and Anxiety - 09/2020
- Hypnosis and Weight Loss Part 2 - 02/2025
- Hypnosis Falsely Blamed - 07/2024
- Hypnosis for Managing Chronic Health Conditions - 02/2025
- Hypnosis for Past Life Regression Therapy - 03/2025
- Imagery for Life Passages - 06/2022
- Integrative Depth Psychology and Psychotherapy: Clinical Application - 09/2024
- Introduction to Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - 02/2025
- Introduction to Biofeedback 1 and 2 - 02/2025
- Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - 02/2025
- Introduction to Motivational Interviewing - 02/2025
- Introduction to Positive Psychology - 08/2024
- Introduction to Somatic and Parts Work for Healing Trauma - 08/2024
- Introduction to the Embodied Mind Theory - 08/2024
- Intuitive and Energy Healing - 11/2021
- Kappasinian Hypnosis - 11/2024
- Making the Unconscious Conscious - 03/2025
- Mental Bank Magic - 03/2025
- Mental Bank Seminar - 02/2025
- Metaphysical Imagery - 08/2022
- Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy - 03/2025
- Mindfulness, Intention, and Meditation - 03/2025
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) - 08/2024
- Mythic and Archetypal Imagery - 08/2024
- NLP: Principles and Strategies of Success - 02/2025
- Parts Therapy - A Powerful 4 Step Process to Changing Lives - 02/2025
- Psychosynthesis Transpersonal Workshop - 02/2025
- Psychosynthesis: Creative Imagination and the Expansion of Consciousness - 02/2025
- Rapid and Instant Inductions - 03/2025
- Sacred Breath and the Human Potential - 12/2020
- Shadows, Sabotage and Subconscious Success - 10/2020
- Sigil Magic Imagery - Draw your Way to Success - 01/2025
- Spiritual Tarot: Hypnotic Applications for the Archetypes of Tarot - 09/2020
- Stress Relief Techniques - 03/2025
- Subtleties of Hypnotherapy - 08/2024
- Superbrain Yoga and Pranic Healing - 02/2025
- Taming the Critical Inner Voice - 02/2025
- Tapping the Subconscious through Conversational Hypnosis - 03/2025
- The Art of Positive Thinking - 10/2020
- The Art of Wish-Making - 02/2025
- The Empty Leash - Hypnosis and the Loss of a Beloved Pet - 08/2020
- The Enneagram as the Gateway to Hypnotic Trance - 03/2025
- The Gifts of Trauma - 02/2025
- The Incredible Power of the Mind/Body Connection - 09/2020
- The Insider Secret to Generating and Retaining New Clients - 10/2024
- The Power of Colors - 10/2024
- Therapeutic Creative Journaling - 09/2020
- Transcendent Aspects of the Human Experience - 03/2025
- Transformation: Tools for Changing Behavior - 10/2024
- Truly Mindful Coloring - 03/2025
- Understanding and Working with Older Patients - 02/2025
- Using Hypnosis in Dealing with Change - 08/2024
- Wisdom of the Body-Mind in Hypnotherapy - 03/2025
- Working with Children and Children on the Autism Spectrum - 09/2020
- Certified Master Hypnotist
American Hypnosis Association - 818-758-2700
Certification Number: 011926
Certification Valid To: Jun 08, 2025 - Acupressure
University of Minnesota
Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association
- Advanced Handwriting Analysis - 02/2025
- Advanced Imagery - 10/2022
- Handwriting Analysis - 02/2025
- Healing the Inner Child - 02/2025
- Hypnosis and Grief Recovery - 11/2022
- Hypnosis and PTSD - 01/2023
- Hypnosis and Sports Performance - 03/2025
- Hypnosis and Weight Loss - 05/2022
- Hypnosis for Anxieties and Fears - 12/2021
- Hypnosis for Clients with Cancer - 03/2022
- Past-Life Regression Therapist - 08/2020
- Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator - 08/2024
- Therapeutic Imagery Master - 10/2023
- Trauma Recovery Hypnosis - 10/2024
Professional Memberships
- American Hypnosis Association
Member Since: 2020
Languages Spoken
- English
Contact Information
Vanessa Lee
Floral Park,
New York
United States