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AHA Hypnotherapists Directory

Hypnotherapy Providers in Zip Code 91301

Click on the biography links below to learn more about how these Certified Hypnotherapists in Zip Code 91301 can help using Hypnosis and related Hypnotherapy Modalities.

Cheryl O'Neil, CCHt

Cheryl O'Neil has successfully helped clients from ages 6 to 92, covering a wide spectrum of issues. Cheryl is focused on her private practice and meets with individual clients every day to help them succeed in their personal development and mastery.

AHA Biography for Cheryl O'Neil

Hypnosis Motivation Institute
Tarzana, California 91356, United States

Cheryl O’Neil, Hypnotherapist

Renee Fossler, CHt

Renee Fossler focuses on you as a unique individual and creates a personalized plan of hypnotherapy that is specialized to your specific needs and desires. Renee believes that the ability to make life enhancing changes lies deep within each of us.

AHA Biography for Renee Fossler

Focus Your Life Hypnosis
West Hills, California 91304, United States

Focus Your Life Hypnosis

Tina L. Orlando, CCHt

Tina Orlando specializes in Guided Imagery, NLP, Past Life Regression, and Smoking Cessation. Her practice focuses on providing clients with the mental and physical tools they need to overcome their anxieties and live their best possible lives.

AHA Biography for Tina L. Orlando

Reseda, California 91335, United States

George J. Kappas, MA, LMFT, CCHt

George John Kappas, MA, LMFT, (aka Giorgos Kapernekas) is the Director of Behavioral Science Centers and its college/clinic, the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI). HMI is home to more than 75 Hypnotherapists in private practice.

AHA Biography for George J. Kappas

Hypnosis Motivation Institute
Tarzana, California 91356, United States

HMI College of Hypnotherapy

Chase D. McKenna, CCHt

Chase McKenna is a Master of Therapeutic Imagery, Master of NLP, and Handwriting Analyst. She has an established private practice in Los Feliz, California. She provides therapy for children, teens and adults.

AHA Biography for Chase D. McKenna

Better Living Insight
Los Angeles, California 90027, United States

Tarzana, California 91356, United States

Chase McKenna - Better Living Insight

John Melton, CCHt

John Melton is an Honors Graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute with over 27 years of clinical practice. In 2006 John was honored to receive the prestigious Kappas Memorial Award for lifetime achievement in clinical practice of Hypnotherapy.

AHA Biography for John Melton

Tarzana, California 91356, United States

John Melton - Therapeutic Hypnosis

Bailee Rad, CHt

Bailee Rad specializes in empowering athletes, children, parents, and all high achievers to reach their goals. As a Peak Performance Mindset Coach, Bailee guides clients towards excellence both on and off the court, emphasizing three core principles.

AHA Biography for Bailee Rad

Tarzana, California 91356, United States

Bailee Rad

Jennifer Laplaca Levin, CHt

Jennifer Levin uses hypnosis to help her clients improve their love life, reach their health goals and achieve success in the entertainment industry. She helps her clients find work/life balance, release stress and perform at their peak.

AHA Biography for Jennifer Laplaca Levin

Modern Hypnotherapy
Glendale, California 91202, United States

Tarzana, California 91356, United States

Modern Hypnotherapy

Matilda Sinani, CCHt

Matilda Sinani has the mindset that we’re here to thrive, not barely survive. She offers her services to individuals willing to transform. She facilitates her clients in their journey of overcoming barriers in their personal and career lives.

AHA Biography for Matilda Sinani

Sun Valley, California 91352, United States

Joe Burns, CCHt

Joe Burns has motivated and trained over 100,000 attendees at his seminars and workshops worldwide and has been the featured keynote for major corporations and brokerage houses and at events such as The TradersEXPO and Tony Robbins Wealth Mastery.

AHA Biography for Joe Burns

The Mind On Purpose
Encino, California 91316, United States