Hypnotherapists Listed by State
Search and find a Hypnotherapist in your State. Choose from the available States below. All Hypnotherapists listed in the AHA Hypnotherapists Directory are Graduates of HMI's Nationally Accredited Hypnotherapy Training Program.
Alabama 2 | Arizona 4 | California 162 |
Colorado 6 | Connecticut 2 | Delaware 2 |
Florida 10 | Georgia 5 | Hawaii 1 |
Idaho 3 | Illinois 4 | Indiana 3 |
Iowa 2 | Kansas 1 | Kentucky 2 |
Louisiana 2 | Maine 1 | Maryland 1 |
Michigan 2 | Minnesota 3 | Montana 2 |
Nebraska 1 | Nevada 5 | New Hampshire 4 |
New Jersey 6 | New Mexico 1 | New York 10 |
North Carolina 1 | Ohio 4 | Oklahoma 1 |
Oregon 4 | Pennsylvania 4 | South Carolina 3 |
South Dakota 1 | Texas 15 | Utah 3 |
Vermont 1 | Virginia 6 | Washington 8 |
Wisconsin 2 |