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American Hypnosis Association Research Articles

Fibromyalgia and Hypnosis

The American Hypnosis Association presents seven (7) studies related to Fibromyalgia and Hypnosis.

  • Study 1: Hypnosis for Fibromyalgia Management and Related Sleep Problems
  • Study 2: Meta-Analysis/Review of Research on Hypnosis and Fibromyalgia
  • Study 3: Hypnosis to Help Fibromyalgia Issues – Pain, Fatigue, Sleep and Global Assessment
  • Study 4: Hypnosis When Added to Conventional Medical Treatment for Fibromyalgia
  • Study 5: Hypnosis to Control Fibromyalgia Pain
  • Study 6: Hypnosis to Reduce Key Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
  • Study 7: Hypnosis for Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain

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