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American Hypnosis Association Clinical Supervision Classes

Hypnosis for Addiction: Cocaine and Sex

Presented By: Joe Leeway

Joe Leeway

Clients: 1) Male, cocaine addict, 2) Male, sex addict, 3) Female, weight loss

Joe Leeway explains clients as a metaphorical reflection of the therapist and suggests asking how an addict "does" addiction, taking cocaine addict into his future, dealing with emotions, and getting the client goal-oriented. He suggests identifying triggers, using a Swish Pattern, and finding resources in the sex addicts' own history. He also suggests ecology, uncovering secondary gain, and moving from the blame frame to the outcome frame for the weight loss client.

Fast Forward To: 00:15:24

CCJL20070220 / Production Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2007

This is Case 2 from the...

Case Conference with Joe Leeway on 02/20/2007

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