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American Hypnosis Association AHA Guest Speakers

The Client Drought, A Shift in Perspective Can Shift Your Experience

Presented By: Shara Prophet

Shara Prophet

The nature of any business is up and down. The key to success is staying up vibrationally when the numbers are down. So, what do you do when the clients aren't calling? Find out how to deal with the dreaded "client drought". As new hypnotherapists and business owners, we will all encounter a slow period throughout our careers.

In this presentation, Shara gives a real account of how she made it through her first client drought in the beginning of 2017. Using 5 basic principles; stillness and rest, reaching out, journaling, shifting perspective, and gratitude, she was able to break through old patterns. Shara went from two client sessions in three weeks to five new clients, and was featured in a magazine article in just two days.

Checking in with our emotions and making an honest assessment of our thought patterns can put us on the fast track to a harmonious experience in business regardless of the current conditions. These tools can help any entrepreneur, regardless of their profession, flow with unexpected changes instead of drowning under pressure.

WTVAHACON / Release Date: Sat, Mar 3, 2018 / Production Date: Sat, Aug 26, 2017 / Format: HD

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