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American Hypnosis Association Live Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnotherapy Live - Cheryl O'Neil/Nikki - Mental Clarity and Focus - Session 5 of 5

Presented By: Cheryl O'Neil

Hypnotherapist: Cheryl O'Neil, CHt
Client: Nikki - Session 5 of 5
Presenting Issues: Mental Clarity and Focus

Description: Nikki is feeling frustrated, defeated and wants to give up. She describes herself as a big picture girl, doesn’t like to party and would prefer to read, likes time alone.

Session 4 Followup: Went to the beach, hiked, great week. Had a venting dream about driving a car with a blanked pulled over her head, she couldn’t see or breathe. She had to pull over to take it off. Wants to focus on money issues and being more financially secure moving forward. Looking towards abundance, new job and asking for what she’s worth.

Techniques Used: Progressive Relaxation, Visualizing a symbol that stands for excellent self, Merging into excellent self/noticing something different, Excellent Self now merges into her. Which does she like better? Cheryl will let her decide. Staircase, Divine Feminine Suggestion as well as others from cognitive portion, Count Out.

WTVCASHIS / Release Date: Sat, Mar 24, 2018 / Production Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2018 / Format: HD

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