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American Hypnosis Association – Live Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnotherapy Live - Cheryl O'Neil/Jaelin - Chronic Jaw Pain - Session 3 of 6

Presented By: Cheryl O'Neil

Cheryl O'Neil

Hypnotherapist: Cheryl O'Neil, CHt
Client: Jaelin - Session 3 of 6
Presenting Issue: Chronic Jaw Pain

Description: Update from week 2 session: Jaelin's goal is to lower pain levels. She is an emotional with a physical defense. Overall pain level was down to a level 4 or 5 this week. Felt more like herself this week. Likes healing place journey on the MP3 Cheryl made her. Currently at a 6.5 pain level with jaw and sinus. On 11/18 session with Cheryl.

Discovery: When Jaelin was 12-14 years old she was a child actress who was no longer booking. She was VERY upset. She said she could no longer take the rejection that it wasn’t helping her self esteem. Her mom suggested that she take a break. In the meantime, her twin brothers were booking consistently. This was extremely hard for her. Shortly after she got her surgery.

Techniques Used: Eye Fascination, Progressive Relaxation

Suggestions: Stream of white light, hand dips in white light sending healing to all the areas of her face and jaw. Staircase with special place. Pain check in 4.5 before leaving.

WTVCASHIS / Release Date: Sun, Apr 15, 2018 / Production Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2018 / Format: HD

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