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American Hypnosis Association AHA Guest Speakers

Successful Branding of Your Hypnotherapist Career

Presented By: Tricia Carr

Tricia Carr

Professional brand presentation is a subconscious language telling the world how to think and feel about your career and practice. Having solid, consistent and polished branding across the various ways your career is marketed communicates to potential clients that you are organized, intelligent, and sensitive. These are all valuable assets to someone selecting a therapist!

Tricia Carr will teach simple tips and tools for creating a professional and consistent branding message. Learn how to apply your knowledge about the subconscious mind to communicate your assets to potential clients. You will learn how to do-it-yourself as well as how to hire professional consultants to help you create your brand.

WTVAHACON / Release Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2024 / Production Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2024 / Format: HD

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