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American Hypnosis Association AHA Guest Speakers

Enhance Public Speaking and Build Clientele with Your Uniqueness

Presented By: Deborah LeBlanc

Deborah LeBlanc

Because every public speaker’s style is unique, this presentation will help teach attendees how to use their own uniqueness to their advantage when speaking in public.

Deborah will teach the four rules of slam dunking a speech every time you get on a stage. You’ll learn how to get the audience involved, make them laugh, make them cry, but most importantly, leave them with hope. Similar rules apply to building your client base and having a consistent flow of clients.

Deborah will share how she built her hypnotherapy practice by using these principles and more.

WTVAHACON / Release Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2024 / Production Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2024 / Format: HD

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