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American Hypnosis Association – AHA Guest Speakers

Beyond the Habit: Causes and Triggers of OCD and BFRBs, How Hypnotherapy Helps

Presented By: Kisha Reynolds

There is a saying that says, “You’re only as sick as your secrets”. If that’s the case, then I have been sick for 35 years. My struggle with body focused repetitive behaviors or BFRBs started when I was 15 years old. During that time, in the late 80’s, there wasn’t much information on BFRBs. Today we know approximately 1 in 50 people suffer from Trichotillomania throughout their lifetime. Therapy such as Habit Reversal therapy is quite effective. However, hypnosis has many positive effects as well.

In this presentation you’ll learn to bring awareness to the client, that they are in control of their BFRB and are stronger than their urges through hypnotic suggestions. Imagery is also used to focus on reducing anxiety, which exacerbates BFRBs, and release shame as well as guilt which often accompany BFRBs.

In addition, you’ll learn that music therapy can be very helpful by incorporating a base frequency of 1420-Hz and gamma wave binaural beat frequency of 40-Hz. All of these techniques are a part of my hypnotic specialty series called “All Repeaters are Welcome.”

WTVAHACON / Release Date: Wed, Jan 29, 2025 / Production Date: Sat, Aug 24, 2024 / Format: HD

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