Dangers of Age Regression – Lesson 14 of 86
A discussion about stages of development and how to incorporate them into therapy. Then age and pre-birth regression. Then a case history about birth trauma, fear of abandonment, and desensitizing phobias. Then live therapy with a female 24 years of age, 61% Physical sexual - 52% Physical suggestible with an eating disorder (anorexia). (Continued next lesson.)
Essay Question: How could you incorporate stages of development into therapy?
- Chapter 1 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas is telling the group about a female client coming in and stages of development.
Start: 00:01:06 | End: 00:05:30 | Duration: 00:04:24
- Chapter 2 - Dr. Kappas talks about the drawbacks of age regression as opposed to a symptomatic approach to therapy.
Start: 00:05:30 | End: 00:12:00 | Duration: 00:06:30
- Chapter 3 - Memory and traumatic events like rape and others.
Start: 00:12:00 | End: 00:18:20 | Duration: 00:06:20
- Chapter 4 - Dr. Kappas tells a case history about an age regression all the way to the womb. Then the dangers involved in other radical therapy techniques.
Start: 00:18:20 | End: 00:27:50 | Duration: 00:09:30
- Chapter 5 - Dr. Kappas and Dr. Hodges tell the group about a terrible therapist named Dr. Brian who used very unusual, and damaging techniques. Then more about stages of development.
Start: 00:27:50 | End: 00:39:20 | Duration: 00:11:30
- Chapter 6 - Treatment for stuttering and phobias. Then a discussion about an anorexic client who is coming in.
Start: 00:39:20 | End: 01:00:18 | Duration: 00:20:58
- Chapter 7 - Dr. Hodges continues reading what the client, coming in, has written about her own problems with eating disorders and other life situations.
Start: 01:00:18 | End: 01:06:37 | Duration: 00:06:19
- Chapter 8 - A guest expert in the group talks about anorexia and bulimia. Then Dr. Hodges continues reading her history.
Start: 01:06:37 | End: 01:16:22 | Duration: 00:09:45
- Chapter 9 - Dr. Hodges tells the group about how her therapy has gone so far.
Start: 01:16:22 | End: 01:22:30 | Duration: 00:06:08
- Chapter 10 - Dr. Kappas analyses her handwriting and discusses how her group interview should go with the guest expert's input.
Start: 01:22:30 | End: 01:41:39 | Duration: 00:19:09
- Chapter 11 - The group interviews Leslie about her life and eating disorder, anorexia. (Continued next lesson.)
Start: 01:41:39 | End: 01:48:06 | Duration: 00:07:27
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 14 of 86, Dangers of Age Regression, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.
Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00