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Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series

Hypnotherapy for Agoraphobia – Lesson 17 of 86

Continuation of therapy from the last lesson as Dr. Kappas tells the client about her agoraphobia, tests her suggestibility, proceeds with her hypnotherapy session. This includes: arm raising, progressive relaxation, arm rigidity, and circle therapy. Then a discussion about circle therapy, fears and phobias, Paris window, dream analysis and therapy, venting and recurring dreams.

Essay Question: Describe the "Paris Window"

  • Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas tells the client that she has fear of loss of control. Then he tests her suggestibility and does an arm raising induction.
    Start: 00:00:51 | End: 00:10:28 | Duration: 00:09:37
  • Chapter 2 - Into the recliner for a progressive relaxation, an arm rigidity deepening exercise, then circle therapy to desensitize her to agoraphobia. Then a brief group discussion with this female client.
    Start: 00:10:28 | End: 00:25:24 | Duration: 00:14:56
  • Chapter 3 - An excellent group discussion about circle therapy, then too much group psychobabble.
    Start: 00:25:24 | End: 00:41:41 | Duration: 00:16:17
  • Chapter 4 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas gets frustrated and focuses the group on hypnotherapy, the Paris window, and why you use circle therapy with a fear, but not a phobia.
    Start: 00:41:41 | End: 01:01:25 | Duration: 00:19:44
  • Chapter 5 - Dr. Kappas explains dream analysis and dream therapy.
    Start: 01:01:25 | End: 01:19:35 | Duration: 00:08:10
  • Chapter 6 - Dr. Kappas tells a personal World War story about dream therapy, then another case history and more about dream analysis.
    Starts 01:19:35 | End: 01:36:18 | Duration: 00:16:43
  • Chapter 7 - Dr. Hodges reads a dream to the group from a female client who was resisting therapy.
    Start: 01:36:18 | End: 01:44:57 | Duration: 00:08:39
  • Chapter 8 - Dr. Kappas analyzes this dream, and Dr. Hodges tells the group about her therapy to date.
    Start: 01:44:57 | End: 01:50:30 | Duration: 00:05:33
  • Chapter 9 - Dr. Hodges reads another dream about a man cooking his own foot. The dreamer was a female and the group analyzes this dream. Then Dr. Kappas analyzes the dream.
    Start: 01:50:30 | End: 01:59:00 | Duration: 00:08:30

Purchase Note: This is Lesson 17 of 86, Hypnotherapy for Agoraphobia, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.

Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00


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Subscription - 17 Monthly Payments of $65.00 and 1 Final Payment of $90.00

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