Dr. Kappas tells the couple from the last lesson the dynamics of their communication problems, focusing on the differences between how Emotionals and Physicals act and react with each other. Then a case history of a female, age 44, 80% Physical sexual - 70% Emotional suggestible, who is feeling rejected in her present relationship. Dr. Kappas talks about how he will lower her high Physical sexuality, and the effects that this will have on her Emotional partner. Then a case history of a Male 26 years of age, 67% Emotional sexual - 65% Emotional suggestible, who is paranoid schizophrenic, and has sexual problems. (Continued next lesson.)
Essay Question: How and why would you lower the Physical behavior of a high Physical sexual female?
- Chapter 1 - A couple is describing their communication problems to the group. Then Dr. Kappas tells them the dynamics of their problems.
Start: 00:01:00 | End: 00:07:10 | Duration: 00:07:10
- Chapter 2 - Dr. Kappas tries to get them to establish some ground rules involving communication and compromise. This takes some work between an Emotional and a Physical.
Start: 00:07:10 | End: 00:20:00 | Duration: 00:12:50
- Chapter 3 - Dr. Kappas gets the group more involved in the questioning.
Start: 00:20:00 | End: 00:40:08 | Duration: 00:20:08
- Chapter 4 - Dr. Kappas tries to get the group to see relationship problems realistically, not idealistically, when dealing with an Emotional and a Physical. Then he focuses them on establishing ground rules.
Start: 00:40:08 | End: 00:53:25 | Duration: 00:13:17
- Chapter 5 - A case history of a rejected Physical sexual female.
Start: 00:53:25 | End: 01:01:19 | Duration: 00:07:54
- Chapter 6 - (Essay Question Info) The case history of the rejected female continues as Dr. Kappas explains how the therapy should lower her extremely high sexuality.
Start: 01:01:19 | End: 01:10:15 | Duration: 00:08:56
- Chapter 7 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas describes how he would lower her extreme high sexuality, and the effects that this will have on her partner and relationship.
Start: 01:10:15 | End: 01:16:00 | Duration: 00:05:45
- Chapter 8 - Dr. Kappas talks about the behavior and feelings of the high Emotional sexual male.
Start: 01:16:00 | End: 01:26:00 | Duration: 00:10:00
- Chapter 9 - Then more discussion about this case history and basic realities involving rejection.
Start: 01:26:00 | End: 01:33:27 | Duration: 00:07:27
- Chapter 10 - Dr. Hodges reads a case history about a male, 26 years of age, 67% Emotional sexual - 65% Emotional suggestible. This man is coming in with paranoid schizophrenia and sexual problems, including unwanted homosexual feelings. (Continued next lesson.)
Start: 01:33:27 | End: 01:43:05 | Duration: 00:09:38
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 20 of 86, Rejected in Relationships, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.