Hypnotherapy as a Profession – Lesson 23 of 86
Dr. Kappas gives an overall description of the HMI approach to hypnotherapy. Then he talks about his practice over the years and subjects such as: buying the symptoms vs. attempting change, going for cause, establishing a behavior during the first session, hypnosis as regressive state, characteristics of the natural somnambulist, the child somnambulist, and adult somnambulist, problems associated with somnambulism, the message unit concept, how the Emotional and Physical theory began. Also the scale of imagination, progressive relaxation, hypnotherapy as a profession, buying the suggestion that you are successful now, defense mechanisms, and characteristics of neurotic reactions.
Essay Question: When should you go for cause?
- Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas tells the group the overall function and purpose of hypnotherapy and how to understand and practice it effectively.
Start: 00:00:53 | End: 00:17:27 | Duration: 00:16:34
- Chapter 2 - Dr. Kappas gives some history about his practice over the years and some common types of problems and treatments.
Start: 00:17:27 | End: 00:29:41 | Duration: 00:12:14
- Chapter 3 - More information about the methods of making suggestions, literal or inferred, and more basics about hypnotherapy.
Start: 00:29:41 | End: 00:34:29 | Duration: 00:04:48
- Chapter 4 - Somnambulism and related psycho-semantic conditions, different types of suicidal behavior. Then a pain control case history.
Start: 00:34:29 | End: 00:46:00 | Duration: 00:11:31
- Chapter 5 - More about somnambulism. Then tailoring inductions to specific cases based on the guidelines of E&P.
Start: 00:46:00 | End: 00:56:57 | Duration: 00:10:57
- Chapter 6 - Dr. Kappas illustrates "scale of imagination" on the blackboard. Then inferred inductions and overload, stimulating the escape mechanism into hypnosis.
Start: 00:56:57 | End: 01:05:40 | Duration: 00:08:43
- Chapter 7 - How and why HMI inductions work in cases where other, more amateur, methods don't.
Start: 01:05:40 | End: 01:12:00 | Duration: 00:06:20
- Chapter 8 - Why you should let a client vent before hypnosis. Then why hypnotherapy works where other therapeutic modalities don't.
Start: 01:12:00 | End: 01:27:15 | Duration: 00:15:15
- Chapter 9 - How the Mental Bank can overcome resistance to change and passive aggressive behavior.
Start: 01:27:15 | End: 01:38:10 | Duration: 00:10:55
- Chapter 10 - (Essay Question Info) Breaking down harmful defense mechanisms.
Start: 01:38:10 | End: 01:42:20 | Duration: 00:04:10
- Chapter 11 - A list of basic neurotic reactions:
- Anxiety
- Inability to function
- Rigidity
- Repetitive behavior
- Immaturity
- Unhappiness
- Unconscious sabotage
- Secondary gain
Start: 01:42:20 | End: 01:50:22 | Duration: 00:08:02
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 23 of 86, Hypnotherapy as a Profession, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.
Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00