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Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series

Hypnosis and Erectile Dysfunction – Lesson 3 of 86

This lesson is the hypnotherapy and discussions involving a male client 44 years of age. He tested 55% Physical sexual and 88% Physical suggestible. His presenting complaint is erection loss during intercourse.

Diagnosis: Impotence due to rejection in a past relationship.

Therapy: Bring down his Physicalness and block his anxiety during sexual performance. Then class discussion of the case.

Essay Question: What was the relationship cause of the subject’s inability to maintain an erection? (This lesson is fascinating.)

  • Chapter 1 - A pre-interview group discussion about the male Physical client coming in with a problem in maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse.
    Start: 00:01:24 | End: 00:06:25 | Duration: 00:05:01
  • Chapter 2 - A group discussion with this man about his sexual problem. There are a lot of very detailed descriptions about his problem, and the resulting effects in his life.
    Start: 00:06:25 | End: 00:20:00 | Duration: 00:13:35
  • Chapter 3 - The client describes one of his dreams to the group. Then more about his sexual history. This is a very high Physical sexual rejected male.
    Start: 00:20:00 | End: 00:30:00 | Duration: 00:09:40
  • Chapter 4 - More discussion about the client’s past, rejection, anger and dreams.
    Start: 00:30:00 | End: 00:39:40 | Duration: 00:05:30
  • Chapter 5 - A group discussion about this client after he has left the room.
    Start: 00:39:40 | End: 00:45:10 | Duration: 00:05:30
  • Chapter 6 - (Essay Question Info) This chapter starts with the camera on an empty chair as Dr. Kappas, off camera, answers the essay question, and discusses this man.
    Start: 00:45:10 | End: 00:56:33 | Duration: 00:11:23
  • Chapter 7 - Continuation of discussion about the client who is soon coming back in for his hypnotherapy session.
    Start: 00:56:33 | End: 01:04:56 | Duration: 00:08:23
  • Chapter 8 - (Essay Question Info) Pre-induction talk with the client. (Still off camera.)
    Start: 01:04:56 | End: 01:10:15 | Duration: 00:05:19
  • Chapter 9 - The client sits in the chair next to Dr. Kappas who questions him to determine his suggestibility. Then he does an arm raising induction/conversion to hypnosis.
    Start: 01:10:15 | End: 01:20:01 | Duration: 00:09:46
  • Chapter 10 - Into the recliner for a progressive relaxation, followed by an arm rigidity deepening technique, and further relaxation.
    Start: 01:20:01 | End: 01:29:17 | Duration: 00:09:16
  • Chapter 11 - This may be the most fascinating chapter in any of the 401 lessons. When Dr. Kappas uses a five count to release this man’s pent up emotional pain, his whole body convulses and stiffens causing his torso to rise from the recliner. Then many suggestions to alter his suggestibility, and circle therapy to block his fear and anxiety.
    Start: 01:29:17 | End: 01:36:47 | Duration: 00:07:30
  • Chapter 12 - A group discussion about the therapy just concluded. Then Dr. Kappas tells the story about how and when he developed the theory of Emotional and Physical suggestibility and sexuality. The basis of what we do at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.
    Start: 01:36:47 | End: 01:55:38 | Duration: 00:18:51

Purchase Note: This is Lesson 3 of 86, Hypnosis and Erectile Dysfunction, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.

Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00