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Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series

Hypnotherapy for Paranoid Schizophrenia – Lesson 39 of 86

A discussion about a male client Brad, 27 years, 67% Emotional sexual - 50/50% suggestible. He is a paranoid schizophrenic who wants to stop smoking. Then information about bipolar disorder, (Formerly known as manic depressive.) marijuana, circle therapy, and testing for somnambulism.

Essay Question: How can hypnosis deal with paranoia or schizophrenia?

  • Chapter 1 - A discussion about a paranoid schizophrenic male client. This is a client of Dr. Hodges', and the group discusses it with Dr. Kappas.
    Start: 00:01:01 | End: 00:13:43 | Duration: 00:12:42
  • Chapter 2 - (Essay Question Info) More discussion about this bipolar and schizophrenic, male subject.
    Start: 00:13:43 | End: 00:18:47 | Duration: 00:05:04
  • Chapter 3 - The discussion moves into how wars contribute to solders developing schizophrenic conditions. Then drug treatment, endorphins, and marijuana.
    Start: 00:18:47 | End: 00:28:00 | Duration: 00:09:13
  • Chapter 4 - A brief discussion about marijuana while the client being discussed, Brad, enters. Then his interview.
    Start: 00:28:00 | End: 00:43:50 | Duration: 00:25:50
  • Chapter 5 - The group interviews Brad about his case, and what he wants from hypnotherapy.
    Start: 00:43:50 | End: 01:01:36 | Duration: 00:17:46
  • Chapter 6 - Dr. Kappas discusses Brad's case, and a therapy plan for treating him.
    Start: 01:01:36 | End: 01:05:50 | Duration: 00:04:14
  • Chapter 7 - Dr. Kappas questions Brad to test his suggestibility.
    Start: 01:05:50 | End: 01:09:00 | Duration: 00:03:10
  • Chapter 8 - An arm raising induction/conversion, which is very slow. The subject is very resistant so Dr. Kappas uses different techniques to overload and deepen his hypnotic state.
    Start: 01:09:00 | End: 01:23:00 | Duration: 00:14:00
  • Chapter 9 - In the recliner Dr. Hodges takes over with a progressive relaxation and further deepening techniques. Then circle therapy to desensitize Brad to the problems that he has.
    Start: 01:23:00 | End: 01:35:22 | Duration: 00:12:22
  • Chapter 10 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas discusses this case and then a related case history. Then he demonstrates a few interesting tests used to identify somnambulism in a person.
    Start: 01:35:22 | End: 01:55:04 | Duration: 00:19:42

Purchase Note: This is Lesson 39 of 86, Hypnotherapy for Paranoid Schizophrenia, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.

Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00


Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – Cross Index Topics