Hypnotherapy for Agoraphobia – Lesson 41 of 86
This lesson deals with a female client, Sue, 59% Physical sexual - 59% emotional suggestible, (both are defenses). She has an obsessive compulsive personality, and is agoraphobic and hypoglycemic.
Essay Question: Why do you use circle therapy with a fear and not with a phobia?
- Chapter 1 - A guest hypnotherapist, Gary, discusses his female client Sue, with the group.
Start: 00:00:55 | End: 00:11:41 | Duration: 00:10:46
- Chapter 2 - The discussion continues about this obsessive-compulsive client who has developed agoraphobia.
Start: 00:11:41 | End: 00:21:03 | Duration: 00:09:22
- Chapter 3 - Dr. Kappas describes how this client has developed her fears and phobias, and what the differences between the two are.
Start: 00:21:03 | End: 00:27:03 | Duration: 00:06:00
- Chapter 4 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas discusses how fears and phobias should be treated in hypnotherapy.
Start: 00:27:03 | End: 00:40:32 | Duration: 00:13:29
- Chapter 5 - Dr. Kappas and the group interview Sue about her problems. Then he tests her suggestibility and does an arm raising induction/conversion, and a progressive relaxation.
Start: 00:40:32 | End: 00:56:55 | Duration: 00:16:23
- Chapter 6 - Dr. Kappas begins circle therapy to desensitize her to her anxiety and fears.
Start: 00:56:55 | End: 01:10:00 | Duration: 00:13:05
- Chapter 7 - Dr. Kappas gives her a trigger word, STOP, so that she can pass her fears and then smile. Then he continues with more circle therapy.
Start: 01:10:00 | End: 01:16:00 | Duration: 00:06:00
- Chapter 8 - After her session, Dr. Kappas explains to Sue just what has happened in hypnosis and how it's going to work.
Start: 01:16:00 | End: 01:20:30 | Duration: 00:04:30
- Chapter 9 - Dr. Kappas describes and explains agoraphobia to Sue, and how a person becomes suggestible to the problems that they develop.
Start: 01:20:30 | End: 01:27:04 | Duration: 00:06:34
- Chapter 10 - After Sue has left, Dr. Kappas and the group discuss her case.
Start: 01:27:04 | End: 01:35:54 | Duration: 00:08:58
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 41 of 86, Hypnotherapy for Agoraphobia, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.
Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00