Hypnotherapists and Relationship Problems – Lesson 50 of 86
This lesson deals with the law and divorce. Dr. Kappas and David, a guest divorce lawyer, discuss the legal aspects of divorce. These include: settlements, child support, alimony, income and property, restraining orders, vindictive and violent behavior, and mediation.
Essay Question: What should a therapist's position be in divorce mediation?
- Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas and David, a divorce lawyer, discuss the legal aspects of divorce in Georgia.
Start: 00:00:53 | End: 00:17:25 | Duration: 00:16:32
- Chapter 2 - How adultery can have an effect in divorce settlements and other issues that differ between Georgia and California.
Start: 00:17:25 | End: 00:30:04 | Duration: 00:12:39
- Chapter 3 - Laws involving child support in different states, and other laws involving interstate cases.
Start: 00:30:04 | End: 00:39:00 | Duration: 00:08:56
- Chapter 4 - How income and property are dealt with in alimony and child support cases.
Start: 00:39:00 | End: 00:49:45 | Duration: 00:10:45
- Chapter 5 - How threats, vindictive behavior, and restraining orders are handled by the legal system.
Start: 00:49:45 | End: 00:55:54 | Duration: 00:06:09
- Chapter 6 - David continues discussing divorce settlements, child support, and violence in divorce cases.
Start: 00:55:54 | End: 01:06:25 | Duration: 00:10:31
- Chapter 7 - Why lawyers shouldn't mediate, and therapists shouldn't give legal counseling in divorce cases.
Start: 01:06:25 | End: 01:14:25 | Duration: 00:08:00
- Chapter 8 - How jury selection takes place and how lawyers need to communicate in court. Then more about child support.
Start: 01:14:25 | End: 01:20:30 | Duration: 00:06:05
- Chapter 9 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas discusses divorce mediation and how it's handled in California. When couples qualify for mediation and why.
Start: 01:20:30 | End: 01:33:30 | Duration: 00:13:00
- Chapter 10 - Dr. Kappas continues the discussion about California divorce cases, mediation, and E&P (facts about Emotional and Physical sexuality and suggestibility).
Start: 01:33:30 | End: 01:48:01 | Duration: 00:14:31
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 50 of 86, Hypnotherapists and Relationship Problems, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.
Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00