Hypnotherapy Explained – Lesson 62 of 86
The client in this lesson is a male, Emotional sexual - 60% Emotional suggestible, who suffers from depression, fear of failure, and hypoglycemia. Dr. Hodges gives a good explanation of hypoglycemia, then the hypnotherapy session with Dr. Kappas has a good example of resistance in the arm raising induction.
Essay Question: Describe the possible relationship between depression and diet.
- Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas and the group interview Frank, a male Emotional sexual and suggestible who suffers from depression and fear of failure.
Start: 00:00:58 | End: 00:14:45 | Duration: 00:13:47
- Chapter 2 - More deeply into Frank's past behavior as the interview continues.
Start: 00:14:45 | End: 00:24:28 | Duration: 00:09:43
- Chapter 3 - (Essay Question Info) After Frank has left the room the group discusses his case, and how his therapy should proceed.
Start: 00:24:28 | End: 00:29:00 | Duration: 00:04:32
- Chapter 4 - Dr. Kappas illustrates on the board, how this client's brain takes in message units, and how to help him to better cope with his overload.
Start: 00:29:00 | End: 00:38:07 | Duration: 00:09:07
- Chapter 5 - A very slow and resistant arm raising in progress with the client Frank, who has almost no ego sensation.
Start: 00:38:07 | End: 00:53:58 | Duration:15:51
- Chapter 6 - Into the recliner for a progressive relaxation.
Start: 00:53:58 | End: 00:59:20 | Duration: 00:05:22
- Chapter 7 - Circle therapy, to build his tolerance to the various situations that scare him, and to desensitize him to stress.
Start: 00:59:20 | End: 01:07:58 | Duration: 00:08:38
- Chapter 8 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas discusses Frank with the group, after he has left the room. Then he talks about how to deepen subjects who are resistant to hypnosis.
Start: 01:07:58 | End: 01:13:20 | Duration: 00:05:22
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 62 of 86, Hypnotherapy Explained, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.
Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00