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Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series

Fear of Riding in Cars – Lesson 64 of 86

This lesson deals with a female client: 57% Physical sexual - 62% Emotional suggestible, who has insomnia, a fear of riding in cars, and depression. Also, other subjects discussed include: past relationships; dream analysis; body syndromes; weight control; anger and the clock mechanism for treating sleep problems.

Essay Question: Explain how to establish a clock mechanism for depressive sleepers.

  • Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas and the group interview a female client who is 67% Physical sexual and 62% Emotional suggestible, with insomnia and fears.
    Start: 00:00:48 | End: 00:24:30 | Duration: 00:23:42
  • Chapter 2 - The discussion continues about past relationships, and the effects that they have had on her life.
    Start: 00:24:30 | End: 00:36:00 | Duration: 00:11:30
  • Chapter 3 - The interview continues about past relationships, dreams, and sleep problems.
    Start: 00:36:00 | End: 00:45:00 | Duration: 00:09:00
  • Chapter 4 - The discussion moves, briefly, to her work environment.
    Start: 00:45:00 | End: 00:46:57 | Duration: 00:01:57
  • Chapter 5 - Dr. Kappas and the group discuss her case after she has left the room.
    Start: 00:46:57 | End: 00:52:45 | Duration: 00:05:48
  • Chapter 6 - Dr. Kappas tells the group a lot about her case and how the interview should proceed. Then he talks about the true causes of her sleep problems.
    Start: 00:52:45 | End: 00:59:37 | Duration: 00:06:52
  • Chapter 7 - Dr. Kappas analyzes her dream and the group discusses her case.
    Start: 00:59:37 | End: 01:07:50 | Duration: 00:08:13
  • Chapter 8 - Dr. Kappas changes the discussion from a psychoanalytical approach to a hypnotherapeutic approach, to the case at hand.
    Start: 01:07:50 | End: 01:14:00 | Duration: 00:06:10
  • Chapter 9 - Dr. Kappas tells the group about body syndromes, weight control, and how they apply to this client.
    Start: 01:14:00 | End: 01:28:40 | Duration: 00:14:40
  • Chapter 10 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas tells the group that this therapy must be done in private, and why. Then he describes what he intends to do with this client in therapy. (Establish a clock mechanism).
    Start: 01:28:40 | End: 01:40:20 | Duration: 00:11:40
  • Chapter 11 - (Essay Question Info) After her private session Dr. Kappas tells the group what transpired in her therapy. Then more information about dealing with anger.
    Start: 01:40:20 | End: 01:54:18 | Duration: 00:13:58

Purchase Note: This is Lesson 64 of 86, Fear of Riding in Cars, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.

Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00


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Subscription - 17 Monthly Payments of $65.00 and 1 Final Payment of $90.00

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