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Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series

Hypnotherapy for Mysophobia – Lesson 69 of 86

This lesson is with a female client, 80% Physical sexual - 80% Emotional suggestible, with fear of illness and death. She suffers with mysophobia and has an obsessive-compulsive personality. Dr. Kappas explains Theory of Mind, then her therapy consists of arm rigidity deepening, stress reduction with circle therapy, and a stop mechanism. Then Dr. Kappas describes HMI's intern program and tells the group how it began.

Essay Question: Describe mysophobia and its treatment.

  • Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas and the group interview a female client, 80% Physical sexual - 80% Emotional suggestible, who is obsessive-compulsive, and has fear of illness and death.
    Start: 00:00:53 | End: 00:06:23 | Duration: 00:05:30
  • Chapter 2 - Dr. Kappas asks her some in-depth questions about her compulsion to wash her hands.
    Start: 00:06:23 | End: 00:13:00 | Duration: 00:06:37
  • Chapter 3 - (Essay Question Info) The group asks her more questions about her history, other compulsions and their causes.
    Start: 00:13:00 | End: 00:20:39 | Duration: 00:07:39
  • Chapter 4 - The group discusses this woman's case after she has left the room.
    Start: 00:20:39 | End: 00:27:50 | Duration: 00:07:11
  • Chapter 5 - Dr. Kappas tries to focus the group's questions into the problems and treatment for this woman.
    Start: 00:27:50 | End: 00:45:15 | Duration: 00:07:25
  • Chapter 6 - Dr. Kappas continues to focus on how to treat this woman's problems.
    Start: 00:45:15 | End: 00:51:18 | Duration: 00:06:03
  • Chapter 7 - Dr. Kappas explains to this client how her treatment will proceed to reduce her stress.
    Start: 00:51:18 | End: 00:56:20 | Duration: 00:05:02
  • Chapter 8 - Dr. Kappas explains Theory of Mind to her, then tests her suggestibility and then does an arm raising induction/conversion to hypnosis.
    Start: 00:56:20 | End: 01:06:41 | Duration: 00:10:21
  • Chapter 9 - Into the recliner for a progressive relaxation and an arm rigidity deepening technique.
    Start: 01:06:41 | End: 01:11:47 | Duration: 00:05:06
  • Chapter 10 - Circle therapy to desensitize her to stress and anxiety, then the introduction of a stop mechanism.
    Start: 01:11:47 | End: 01:23:52 | Duration: 00:12:05
  • Chapter 11 - (Essay Question Info) Dr. Kappas discusses this client with the group, after her therapy.
    Start: 01:23:52 | End: 01:33:06 | Duration: 00:09:14
  • Chapter 12 - Dr. Kappas tells the group how, and why, the HMI intern program began.
    Start: 01:33:06 | End: 01:42:16 | Duration: 00:09:10

Purchase Note: This is Lesson 69 of 86, Hypnotherapy for Mysophobia, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.

Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00