The client in this lesson is a female, Marsha, 30 years, Physical sexual - low Emotional suggestible. She wants help with weight control, and to get on with her divorce. She is also bipolar (which used to be called manic depression), and in the denial stage of loss. This case also involves rejection and anger, sexual relationships, and a lot of good information about stages of loss, and how to lead someone through them. (Hypnosis session incomplete.)
Essay Question: How could you help a client with bipolar disorder?
- Chapter 1 - Dr. Kappas introduces Marsha, 30 years, Physical sexual - low Emotional suggestible. She describes her depression then the group interviews her about her failed marriage.
Start: 00:00:23 | End: 00:12:00 | Duration: 00:11:37
- Chapter 2 - The questions get into her relationships with her children, other men, her father, and her job.
Start: 00:12:00 | End: 00:19:00 | Duration: 00:07:00
- Chapter 3 - Dr. Kappas questions her about her rejection and anger toward her ex-husband, and her hopes for a future successful relationship.
Start: 00:19:00 | End: 00:27:00 | Duration: 00:08:00
- Chapter 4 - More about the end of her marriage, family repercussions, and related weight gain. Then Dr. Kappas talks to her about sexual relationships since her divorce, and with her new man Billy.
Start: 00:27:00 | End: 00:40:38 | Duration: 00:13:38
- Chapter 5 - (Essay Question Info) A group discussion about Marsha and the origins of her depression. The term bipolar disorder has replaced the old term manic depression.
Start: 00:40:38 | End: 00:46:34 | Duration: 00:05:56
- Chapter 6 - (Essay Question Info) Marsha's hypnotherapist tells the group about her case and Dr. Kappas gives his views about her childlike behavior and denial mechanism. Then he talks about how her therapy should proceed while also considering the affects of her medications.
Start: 00:46:34 | End: 01:01:15 | Duration: 00:04:41
- Chapter 7 - Dr. Kappas describes how her therapy should proceed, how, when and why to remove her denial, at a time when she can survive without it.
Start: 01:01:15 | End: 01:12:21 | Duration: 00:11:06
- Chapter 8 - More about her diet and medication, and the dynamics of her denial mechanism. How it protects a person from getting on to depression and anger to soon.
Start: 01:12:21 | End: 01:21:25 | Duration: 00:09:04
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 79 of 86, Hypnotherapy and Mental Disorders, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.