Headaches and Hypnosis Continued – Lesson 84 of 86
This lesson begins with the continuation of therapy from the last lesson, #83. Pain control for migraine headaches. The following discussion covers a habit of getting headaches to relieve stress; denial mechanism use of hysterical conversion in therapy. Then the discussion continues with migraine headaches; abreactions; resistance; explanation of the suggestibility test; inferred arm raising; ideomotor response; post-hypnotic suggestion to re-hypnosis and moving through the stages of loss.
Essay Question: When leading a client through the stages of loss, why do we take them through anger before depression?
- Chapter 1 - The female client from the last lesson #83, is in hypnosis and Dr. Kappas is treating her for migraine headaches and tension relief.
Start: 00:00:23 | End: 00:05:10 | Duration: 00:04:47
- Chapter 2 - As the hypnosis continues Dr. Kappas is transferring heat from her head to her hand. Then he programs her sleep pattern to remove tension.
Start: 00:05:10 | End: 00:12:20 | Duration: 00:07:10
- Chapter 3 - A post-hypnosis group discussion as Dr. Kappas explains how transferring heat from a client's head to her hand does the same with the pain, and how her denial caused the resistance in her arm raising.
Start: 00:12:20 | End: 00:16:55 | Duration: 00:04:35
- Chapter 4 - Dr. Kappas explains more about her abreactions and what they meant.
Start: 00:16:55 | End: 00:22:30 | Duration: 00:05:35
- Chapter 5 - Dr. Kappas explains a lot about resistance, denial, and how an arm raising can indicate these things. Then how he controlled her anxiety to give her control of it.
Start: 00:22:30 | End: 00:25:28 | Duration: 00:02:58
- Chapter 6 - After controlling her tension migraines, what should be done in future sessions to transfer dream anesthesia into her warm right hand. Then how and when to get her from denial into grief.
Start: 00:25:28 | End: 00:33:00 | Duration: 00:07:32
- Chapter 7 - (Essay Question Info) How denial mechanisms can work with guilt, and how to break denial and get her into anger, then depression to prevent suicide, which doesn't happen in depression.
Start: 00:33:00 | End: 00:39:00 | Duration: 00:06:00
- Chapter 8 - Dr. Kappas tells the group how to get her through stages of loss.
Start: 00:39:00 | End: 00:47:51 | Duration: 00:08:51
Purchase Note: This is Lesson 84 of 86, Headaches and Hypnosis Continued, from the Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series. When you purchase this series in full, you will receive access to all 86 2-hour lessons.
Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – $995.00