Hypnotherapy Practical Skills Review (PSR) and Choosing Your PSR Mentor
It is the intention and goal of HMI that every student, prior to their graduation, receive individual attention, training, and feedback on their practical skills of hypnotherapy induction and suggestions, with emphasis on the elements of the “First Session” with their clients.
To achieve this goal, HMI’s Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy requires the successful completion of a “Practical Skills Review (PSR).” To assist with this requirement, HMI provides students with three private sessions with a PSR Mentor of their choice (from the list of approved PSR Mentors on HMI’s website).
These sessions are provided to help students prepare for and complete their PSR, as well as: to assist with overcoming resistance or fears, provide answers to questions, advice on aspects of becoming a successful Hypnotherapist, and assist with motivation and encouragement to complete this important requirement for graduation. This personalized attention to students’ hypnotic inductions and suggestion giving skills provides a unique opportunity to fine-tune their proficiency in working in a clinical setting with their clients. In addition, it is HMI’s hope that each student finds that their PSR Mentor also serves as a personal role model for their successful Hypnotherapy career. As such, please note that normal standards of professional etiquette apply.
Once a session has been confirmed between the student and their PSR Mentor, it is the student’s responsibility to be punctual and prepared for the session. If for any reason the student must cancel their session, it is proper professional etiquette to give the PSR Mentor a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. Failure to comply may result in the student receiving less than the three sessions provided by HMI.
Students’ PSR must be completed before receiving any Pro Bono clients from HMI and no later than 30 days prior to their graduation date. These first session elements include:
- Pre-Induction Speech
- Theory of Mind
- Literal or Inferred Arm Raising Induction with Suggestion for Re-Hypnosis
- Reactional Deepening Technique
- Heavy Light Deepening Technique
- Progressive Relaxation
- One Inferential Suggestion
- One Literal Suggestion
- Count Up and Out of Hypnosis
- Post Hypnotic Suggestion to Re-Hypnosis, then Count Up and Out
In addition to working with their PSR Mentor, students are encouraged to utilize these resources to practice their proficiency with these techniques:
- Careful review of the “Blueprint for Success – Building Blocks of the First Session” links located in the 101 and First Consultation class workbook.
- During weekly Practicum Workshops.
- By reviewing Hypnotherapy sessions in the Elective Library and in Clinical Case Presentation classes.
The PSR is a pass-fail demonstration, with a minimum score of 35 points (out of a possible 50) required for passing. During the student’s PSR, their PSR Mentor will gauge the student’s proficiency on a scale of one to five points for each of the ten elements.
PSR Mentors can hypnotize their students to provide a clear example and experience of a first hypnotherapy session as well as help them reduce stress, increase confidence and generally prepare them for a successful hypnotherapy career. Other areas of focus can include:
- Strategies for launching a successful practice and attracting success.
- Overcoming any roadblocks or barriers to successful completion of your training.
- Proficiency in other areas of practice including subsequent sessions, additional hypnosis techniques, etc.
- Passing your PSR Review.
Instructional Videos
- Blueprint for Success – Building Blocks of the First Session
- Practical Skills Review (PSR) Example with Elaine Perliss
HMI PSR Mentors
Listed below are your choices for HMI PSR Mentors and their contact information. You can click on the Mentor’s name below to access their Biography.
Please note, Mentors are here to assist you with your personal goals. Students should not look to Mentors or fellow students regarding HMI policies or procedures, those questions should be directed to the HMI Student Center.
Shay Austin
Alex Blevins
Bruce Bonnett
John Brown
Shelby Brown
Joe Burns
Tricia Carr
Catherine Coleman
Lenora Curtis
Natalie D'Alacio
Denise Delahoussaye
Melissa Echelberger
Carmen Guajardo
Lois Lorback
Katt Lowe
Lisa Machenberg
Stephanie McCray
John Melton
Ted Moreno
Saman Nasir
Elaine Perliss
Lucia Rios Mehta
Don Robért
Joe Tabbanella
Karen Veloz