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AHA Calendar of Events – Live on Zoom

How to do the First Three Hypnosis Sessions

Presented By: Michele Guzy, NLP

Michele Guzy

Are you lacking confidence in your new therapy profession?

So many Hypnotherapists resist starting their private practice because the fear of "WHAT IF." What if I mess up the hypnosis inductions? What if the client doesn't go under? What if they can't afford sessions? What if they don't come back?

By moving beyond these fears you can increase your Hypnotherapy clientele and feel confident every time the phone rings. This class will cover it all!

Students get a detailed Workbook and a FREE Hypnosis CD! “The Inside Secrets to Success”

The course will include...

  • Feel confident setting fees, asking for payment and booking future sessions.
  • Know when to offer free sessions, discounts or package programs.
  • Learn how to take notes, use intake forms, tests and get medical and child releases.
  • Understand the importance of doing a free 15 minute phone consultation.
  • Practice handling the common questions asked from a potential client.
  • Setting fees for a hypnotherapy practice according to location and your experience.
  • Know when to use the suggestibility/sexuality tests and life history forms.
  • Understand when to incorporate hypno-diagnostic tools such as Mental Bank, Dream Therapy, Body Syndromes, Handwriting Analysis, NLP, Corrective Therapy, Paris Window and more!

Prerequisite: Must have already completed HMI's 101 Hypnosis Foundations Course.

Michele Guzy, C.Ht. brings over 20 years of experience as a Hypnotherapist to teach you how NOT to be afraid to sell yourself and your business. She believes that every person you meet is a potential client or a possible referral and that EVERYONE is curious about how hypnosis can help them improve their life.

Come eliminate your fear of “What do I do next!”

AHA Continuing Education Disclaimer

American Hypnosis Association Continuing Education Courses are not a substitute for your Hypnotherapy training. This seminar does not teach basic Hypnosis skills or general Hypnotherapy knowledge and is designed for professionals who already have completed or are in the process of Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. Advertising yourself as certified in specialty areas of Hypnotherapy without the benefit of an Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma from HMI or another duly recognized training institution is considered unethical.