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AHA Calendar of Events – Live on Zoom

Psychosynthesis Transpersonal Workshop
Integrating Spirituality into Your Life and Work

Presented By: Victoria Stevens

Join AOS Professor, Victoria Stevens, PhD for this all day, Zoom experiential on Psychosynthesis: Visualization, Creative Imagination and The Expansion of Consciousness.

What can you expect?

This Psychosynthesis workshop will provide an opportunity to enrich and deepen your personal, professional and spiritual development. It will also provide you with a theoretical framework and exercises that can be integrated into your work with clients who present with both psychological and spiritual concerns by using the guided imagery, symbolic artwork and mindfulness techniques.

This live Zoom experience consists of a combination of experiential exercises, theory, and at home journal reflection. Through a process of guided imagery, symbolic artwork, journaling, and inner engagement with our true Self, we can begin to experience and live in the awareness of all we are, and the fullness of all we may be.

Who is this course for?

This AHA, highly experiential, Psychosynthesis Transpersonal Workshop is specifically designed for hypnotherapists and alternative health practitioners who wish to add depth, meaning, and a wholistic spiritual understanding to their current discipline. Due to this course being experiential, it is also an opportunity to deepen your own inner journey.

Live on Zoom Bonus: In addition to the Live on Zoom seminar, we will also provide you with 180 days access to the Pay-Per-View streaming video. This is the professionally recorded online streaming video previously recorded in the HMI studios. This allows you to review and study the course on streaming video after the Zoom event.

The Science of the Spirit

Founded in the early 20th Century by the Italian Psychiatrist, Dr. Roberto Assagioli, Psychosynthesis is a theory, a process, and a practice of living that facilitates an opening into the transpersonal dimension through the awareness of purpose, meaning, values, and spirituality.

Nicknamed “The Scientist of the Spirit.” Dr. Assogioli’s Psychosynthesis, combines Eastern and Western thought to promote psycho-spiritual transformation and integration. Grounded within the seven core experiences and concepts of Psychosynthesis, this workshop will cover major theoretical aspects of this model with a focus on practical application in therapeutic work with clients and personal work for each practitioner.

Spirituality in this context is often used to describe the deeper essence of who we are, the innate part of us that continuously calls us towards growth and wholeness. This is the Spiritual Self, also known as the Deeper or Higher Self (capital S in Psychosynthesis). The Self is made up of Will and Consciousness – it is our life force. When connected to our deeper essence, it provides us with renewed vitality, a way of understanding and finding value, meaning and purpose in life.

Your Instructor – Victoria Stevens, PhD

Victoria Stevens, PhD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst, as well as an Adjunct Faculty Member of Pacifica Graduate Institute in the Clinical Psychology PsyD and PhD, and Depth Integrative Healing PhD programs. She is also on the faculty at UC Santa Barbara and is an Assistant Professor for the Clinical Psychology Program at Antioch University at Santa Barbara where she co-created and is founding faculty for the Somatic Certification and Concentration Program at Antioch SB with a focus on Trauma Treatment.

She holds an MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and specialized certifications in Hypnosis and the Treatment of Victims and Perpetrators of Violent Crimes. Her psychoanalytic certification is from the Psychoanalytic Center of California, mentored by James Grotstein, and she has studied Interpersonal Affective Neurobiology with Allan Schore for ten years.

Objectives for the Day

  1. To have a general understanding of the historical and theoretical context and influences of Psychosynthesis.
  2. To have a general understanding of the basic theoretical concepts that inform this work, specifically the stages of the transformative process and the seven core concepts or experiences that are foundational for Psychosynthesis.
  3. To experience each core concept through experiential exercises that are personal to each participant and that add depth to the continuing expansion of their own Self personally.
  4. The ability to integrate these experiences as additional tools that can be utilized to facilitate a client’s unique spiritual growth, development, and personal fulfillment.

In this workshop you will receive:

  • 2 Workbooks (PDF) to use for yourself and with clients.
    1. The first workbook is for participants to use during the workshop as part of their own processing, which will include all the exercises done that day, spaces to write or draw, in response to the prompts given. It can also be used as templates for clients, if appropriate.
    2. The second workbook (available AFTER the workshop) will give detailed, full instructions on the exercises, so the therapist has all the information to work with themselves and clients.
  • Total 12 Elective Hours/CEUs Psychosynthesis Transpersonal Workshop Certificate

Prerequisite and Preparation

As preparation for this full-day experiential workshop, please watch for FREE Dr. Steven’s 1-hour introduction, titled Psychosynthesis: Creative Imagination and the Expansion of Consciousness from her February 2023 AHA Conference presentation:

For the day of the workshop: Be sure to have plenty of blank paper and art supplies (markers, colored pencils, pastels, pens).

NOW Live on Zoom: The American Hypnosis Association is proud and excited to now offer students around the world this exciting, Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) seminar, LIVE on Zoom.

Regardless of where you live in the world you can attend this live interactive online course directly from your home or office through Zoom Meetings. Live questions and answers with your Instructor and interaction with your peers delivered in real time.

AHA Continuing Education Disclaimer

American Hypnosis Association Continuing Education Courses are not a substitute for your Hypnotherapy training. This seminar does not teach basic Hypnosis skills or general Hypnotherapy knowledge and is designed for professionals who already have completed or are in the process of Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. Advertising yourself as certified in specialty areas of Hypnotherapy without the benefit of an Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma from HMI or another duly recognized training institution is considered unethical.