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American Hypnosis Association AHA Guest Speakers

STOP IT: Overcome Overthinking for Good

Presented By: Carolyn Barnes

Overthinking is that mental marathon we’re all familiar with, that can be tiring and paralyzing. In this presentation, embark on a transformative journey with HMI Graduate, Carolyn Barnes, CHt, to discover the breakthrough STOP IT method – a dynamic approach that goes beyond managing thoughts.

Learn to interrupt thought patterns, reconnect with your body’s signals, and decode emotions for greater clarity. This method offers a way to break free from the cycle of overthinking, granting you the freedom to think differently. Dive into the mind-body connection and harness positivity for a more mindful life. Leave this talk with valuable tools to navigate life’s challenges with inner resources, and more energy!

WTVAHACON / Release Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2024 / Production Date: Sat, Feb 24, 2024 / Format: HD

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