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American Hypnosis Association Live Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnotherapy Live - Lisa Machenberg/Diane - Driving Anxiety

Presented By: Lisa Machenberg

Hypnotherapist: Lisa Machenberg, CHt
Client: Diane
Presenting Issue: Driving Anxiety

Description: HMI Instructor and Hypnotherapist Lisa Machenberg uses hypnosis to help Diane overcome anxiety while driving after a frightening drive to the ER four years ago. Diane experienced anxiety while driving to the ER and had to pull off the freeway and enlist a stranger to take her to the hospital. Because of Diane’s previous bouts with an autoimmune disease her driving has been limited.

Diane notices that her anxiety comes up when driving in certain situations like being up high, in the fast lane, or on the 10 freeway. Diane used to enjoy driving and the feeling of spontaneity she had in her early 20’s. Now she finds that she avoids driving more and more as her driving anxiety is getting worse. Diane would like to have her freedom and spontaneity back.

Techniques Used: After Lisa explains the theory of mind to Diane she does the suggestibility test and an arm raise. Lisa brings Diane to the recliner chair and starts out with an eye fascination. Lisa follows with a progressive relaxation and takes her down a 20 step staircase representing safety and stability.

Lisa has Diane picture the word safe on her forehead and continues to anchor it further with repeated touches to the forehead. Lisa uses desensitization technique to assist Diane in overcoming her fear of driving while reinforcing feelings of safety, control, and freedom. Lisa also briefly discusses blood sugar and the importance of eating protein.

WTVCASHIS / Duration: 01:10:59 / Production Date: Thu, Apr 30, 2009 / Format: SD

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