Hypnotherapy Providers Specializing in Exam Anxiety
Click on the biography links below to learn more about how these Certified Hypnotherapists can help with Exam Anxiety using Hypnosis and related Hypnotherapy Modalities.
Betsie Poinsett, CHt

Betsie Poinsett graduated as a Certified Hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. Betsie has been in her private practice since 1988 and also teaches at a local college in her home town.
AHA Biography for Betsie Poinsett
Shamanic Hypnosis
Demorest, Georgia 30535, United States
Betsie Poinsett - Shamanic Hypnosis
Sharon L. Winkel, LNHA, CHt

Sharon Winkel is a partner in the client's journey to a self-empowered life. It is time to take control and change is one phone call away! Hypnotherapy services are available via in-person, as well as Zoom or FaceTime.
AHA Biography for Sharon L. Winkel
Redesigned Mind Hypnotherapy
Des Moines, Iowa 50021, United States
Redesigned Mind Hypnotherapy
Diego Sorroche Fraticelli, MBA, DHt, CMH

Diego Sorroche Fraticelli has been practicing general hypnotherapy in San Juan, PR, since 2015. He is the current Secretary to the BOD of the Puerto Rico Society of Therapeutic Hypnosis. He provides general therapeutic hypnosis by appointment only.
AHA Biography for Diego Sorroche Fraticelli
San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
Nicholas S. Banks, MS, LPCA, CCHt

Nicholas Banks has learned much through past life regression and the higher self through hypnosis. Now he continues on his path to help others learn more about themselves and more of their potential through hypnosis.
AHA Biography for Nicholas S. Banks
Urasoe, Okinawa 901-2131, Japan
Enhance Horizon
Shay Austin, CCHt

Shay Austin uses the power of hypnotherapy, therapeutic imagery, creativity, great self-discovery tools, and metaphysics to remind clients of their personal strengths. She offers life experience and creative tools to turn hopes into realities.
Tarzana, California 91356, United States
Shay Austin Hypnotherapy
John McGrail, CCHt

John McGrail provides compassionate and professional care to a clientele comprising virtually all social and professional backgrounds from ages 7 and up. He focuses on personal growth, physical and spiritual healing and, behavioral modification.
AHA Biography for John McGrail
A Better You, Inc.
Salem, New Hampshire 03079, United States
A Better You - Hypnotherapy Los Angeles
Marie L. Griffen, CCHt

Marie Griffen has made it her mission to introduce people to the amazing power of the human mind through hypnosis. She enjoys being able to work with her clients in the privacy of their own homes anywhere in the world via Zoom video call.
AHA Biography for Marie L. Griffen
Marie Griffen Hypnotherapy
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452, United States
Marie Griffen Hypnotherapy
Anthony Rotolo, PhD, CCHt

Anthony Rotolo is an educator, vocational counselor, and hypnotherapist. He assists clients to overcome personal and professional challenges, break free of limiting behaviors, and develop strategies for personal wellbeing.
AHA Biography for Anthony Rotolo
Hypnosis Motivation & Education Services
New Hartford, New York 13413, United States
Cognitive Coaching and Hypnosis
Amelie Naegelen, CMH

Amelie Naegelen understands that each person is unique with their own set of challenges and goals. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, phobias, weight loss, or want to improve your well-being, I am here to guide you on your journey to success.
AHA Biography for Amelie Naegelen
Amelie Naegelen
Los Angeles, California 90056, United States
Amelie Naegelen Hypnotherapy
Ginger Gibson, CHt

Ginger Gibson has witnessed magnificent improvements in the lives of her clients by utilizing an ancient modality we know as Hypnosis. Her goal is to allow as many people as she possibly can, to experience the life changing effects of Hypnotherapy.
AHA Biography for Ginger Gibson
Hypnotic Connection Hypnotherapy
Freehold, New Jersey 07728, United States
Hypnotic Connection