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AHA Hypnotherapists Directory

Hypnotherapy Providers Specializing in Stage Fright

Click on the biography links below to learn more about how these Certified Hypnotherapists can help with Stage Fright using Hypnosis and related Hypnotherapy Modalities.

Marcela Ewertz-Lanz, CHt

Marcela Ewertz-Lanz, a holistic practitioner for more than thirty years, creatively focuses on facilitating well-being in both English and Spanish for individuals who wish to improve their life experience in body, mind and spirit.

AHA Biography for Marcela Ewertz-Lanz

Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688, United States

Marcela Ewertz Hypnotherapy

Courtney McCarthy, CHt

Courtney McCarthy offers a pathway to eradicate fears, alleviate anxiety, dispel negative thought patterns, and break free from detrimental habits. She conducts sessions both in-person at her Los Angeles office and globally via virtual platforms.

AHA Biography for Courtney McCarthy

Reflective Reframing
Los Angeles, California 90034, United States

Reflective Reframing