Gamma 40: 40 Hz The Key to Consciousness - MP3 Download from Leigh Spusta

Experience the brilliance and fullness of pure consciousness: The music, tones, and psychoacoustic sounds of Gamma 40 guide your brain/mind into a blissful state of coherence, clarity, insight, focus, creativity and compassion. In the 40 Hz state, your brainwaves resonate at the frequency that is the key to consciousness itself, allowing you to rapidly process a rich abundance of sensory and mental information and integrate it into the seamless wholes that form connected “moments” of presence, attention and boundless awareness.
Enter the brilliance and fullness of pure consciousness... The music, tones, and psychoacoustic sounds of Gamma 40 guide your brain/mind into a blissful state of coherence, clarity, insight, focus, creativity and compassion.
Research into Gamma brainwaves, specifically those at 40 Hz, has shown that this frequency may be the key to consciousness itself. At the frequency of 40 Hz, the brain engages in the process known as “binding”, which combines the disparate sensory data from our five sense (or six including mind/thought) into the single cohesive experience we know as “being conscious”.
When the brain entrains to the 40 Hz frequency, the experience of consciousness is amplified and strengthened beyond its normal capacity. Gamma waves allow you to rapidly process a rich abundance of sensory and mental information and integrate it into seamless wholes, forming connected “moments” of presence, attention, and boundless awareness.
People using Gamma 40 report experiencing a mind state of “relaxation with focus,” “elation and respite together,” and find it’s “a great program for synthesizing ideas, focusing, and stimulating creative thinking”—“the antidote to feeling stuck or aimless.”
Whether used for meditation, work, creation, or exploration, Gamma 40 is a powerful tool for “checking in” and embracing, with full engagement, the feeling of being profoundly awake and vividly alive.
“I’ve conjured a spiritual mood in certain places in these tracks, and that of a hero’s journey. Though there are moments of placidity, these are very dynamic tracks.The recordings are adaptive enough to match the intention of the listener, and have an ebb and flow and changing stream of experience without pulling too much attention to themselves. So, we offer you this Gamma 40 program with the positive expectation that you will find it to be a common “go to” in your bag of tricks.”
Leigh Spusta, Developer of Gamma 40
Gamma 40 Includes 3 Tracks
- Blissful Cognition (10 Minutes)
- Blissful Cognition (20 Minutes)
- Cognitive Bliss (40 Minutes)
Experience Pure, Unbounded Consciousness
- Clear, focused awareness.
- Rapid information processing and synthesis.
- Deeper compassion for self and others.
- Expanded inner peace.
- Increased energy and motivation.
- Experiences of bliss and joy.
- Heightened creativity, insight, and inspiration.
- Enhanced productivity.
- Formation of rich and vivid memories.
- Persistent states of deep and fundamental well-being.
Track 1 (Blissful Cognition - 10 Minutes)
This is the most active or dynamic of the three tracks. This one is best suited to be used when you either have a limited timeframe or when you want a push into gamma followed by a quiet space to reflect, observe, or focus. Over time, these tracks become more effective as the brain learns to get into the state more quickly, so this shortest one becomes a great tool.
Track 2 (Blissful Cognition - 20 Minutes)
This track is a little more relaxed than the first track. This allows you to immerse yourself a little more deeply into the experience of the sound, allowing for a deep comfort and yet helping to maintain the kind of psychological state of focus and clarity.
Track 3 (Cognitive Bliss - 40 Minutes)
This track will take you to the depths of calm, the body lets go of the tensions held in the body and mind, allowing you to explore the awareness of the gamma state from this profound and immersive space. This is the most metaphysically charged track of the three.
“Gamma 40 works on me like 3 cups of coffee - where I’m usually shy, I become wildly effusive and outgoing... and the most surprising thing is although I’ve been a procrastinator all my life, usually ending the day with a lament about how little I managed to get done and how much I have to do tomorrow, in these last few months of listening to Leigh’s Gamma 40, I find myself saying at the end of the day quite often, “Wow, it’s amazing what I got done today!”