Past Life Regression Hypnosis - MP3 Download from Leigh Spusta

Find out who you were in a past life. Relax, explore and expand. Proven methods. Explore Past Life Hypnosis - A deep journey of exploration and insight.
Do you believe that you may have lived before? Perhaps many lifetimes? You don't need to be a firm believer in order to experience a past life regression, just have an openness to the idea, the possibility of it. Millions of people around the world believe in reincarnation, the concept that our soul inhabits a physical body for a lifetime, learning many lessons and having an abundance of experiences, and upon death, the soul leaves the physical realm, spends some time in a spiritual realm, and then goes back into the physical realm to have another life in a body. Although there actually is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support this, it is hard to prove it scientifically. The best thing curious people can do is have their own experience and draw their own conclusions.
Listen to a 1 Minute Sample of Past Life Regression Hypnosis
This 22 minute recording uses proven hypnotic techniques to guide the listener into the prime state for having the past live regression experience. In addition, the soothing and expansive alpha brainwave music ensures a deep, relaxing and meaningful experience. Created utilizing PsimatiX™ proprietary audio technology.