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AHA Calendar of Events – Live on Zoom

Hypnosis and PTSD - Certification Course

Presented By: Lisa Machenberg, CCHt

Lisa Machenberg

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is commonly associated with military service, but it can affect anyone who has experienced an overwhelming traumatic event.

Symptoms can include insomnia, flashbacks, fears and phobias, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. PTSD sufferers may believe they will never be able to get over the trauma to fully embrace life again.

In this presentation, you will learn how to use hypnotherapy in conjunction with many powerful, researched techniques that are known to be effective in helping people with PTSD.

Included in this Certification Course:

  • Stress Inoculation Therapy and how to anchor stress reduction in Hypnosis
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with instant relief by incorporating NLP
  • Exposure Therapy to visualize reengaging comfortably into activities your client has been avoiding
  • Gently and safely venting out the trauma in the hypnotic trance
  • Relief from nightmares with journaling after unsettling dreams
  • How to work with other professionals to create an effective treatment plan
  • Session by session guide to treat those with symptoms of trauma
  • You will master new inductions, imagery, and “systematic desensitization” to safely and effectively to improve your client’s quality of life
  • 3 hours of live Zoom instruction with your Instructor Lisa Machenberg
  • 6 hours of streaming video of Lisa doing Hypnotherapy sessions with a client suffering with PTSD
  • 38-page Hypnosis and PTSD workbook (PDF)
  • AHA Certification in Hypnosis and PTSD
  • Total 10 Elective Hours/CEU Certificate

NOW Live on Zoom: The American Hypnosis Association is proud and excited to now offer students around the world this exciting, Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) seminar, Live on Zoom.

Regardless of where you live in the world you can attend this live interactive online course directly from your home or office through Zoom Meetings. Live questions and answers with your Instructor and interaction with your peers are delivered in real time.

Pay-Per-View Only Option: You also have the option to purchase just the Pay-Per-View streaming video without the Live on Zoom course, this is the studio recorded online streaming video only option. See promotional pricing and more information for the PPV Only Option.

Live on Zoom Bonus: In addition to the Live on Zoom seminar, we will also provide you with 180 days access to the Pay-Per-View streaming video. This is the professionally recorded online streaming video previously recorded in the HMI studios. This allows you to review and study the course on streaming video after the Zoom event.

AHA Continuing Education Disclaimer

American Hypnosis Association Continuing Education Courses are not a substitute for your Hypnotherapy training. This seminar does not teach basic Hypnosis skills or general Hypnotherapy knowledge and is designed for professionals who already have completed or are in the process of Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. Advertising yourself as certified in specialty areas of Hypnotherapy without the benefit of an Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma from HMI or another duly recognized training institution is considered unethical.