Free Online Video Courses from the AHA
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We invite you to take more free online video courses from the American Hypnosis Association.
Learn How to Hypnotize Others
HMI invites you to take the first 10 hours of our accredited online training for no cost or obligation. What better way to see if HMI’s Nationally Accredited online training is right for you? Begin your journey right now with instant access. Your introductory lesson, Hypnosis in History, will take you from the Ancient Egyptians through Modern Day, tracing the existence and evolution of hypnosis for the past 5,000 years.
Success is not an Accident: The Mental Bank Program
Created by HMI Founder Dr. John Kappas, the Mental Bank Program is a powerful tool to help you and your clients reprogram your subconscious mind to attract more success, happiness and prosperity. This 5-minute-a-day behavioral tool is a must for every hypnotherapy practice. HMI Director George Kappas provides a personal and entertaining presentation that both instructs and motivates you to start your Mental Bank tonight.
Relationship Strategies: The E&P Attraction
Developed by HMI Founder Dr. John Kappas, PhD, MFT, the model of Emotional and Physical Sexuality (E&P) is without question, one of HMI’s most powerful tools for understanding and predicting the behavior of clients. In this lesson HMI Director and Marriage Family Therapist, George Kappas will introduce you to the E&P model in a presentation you are likely not to forget.
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