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HMI Clinical Hypnotherapy Program

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Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Hypnotherapy 301

  • Length: 12 Weeks, Clock Hours: 72
  • Attend: 24 Prerecorded Video Classes, 24 Live Q&A with Instructors, 36 Elective Hours
  • Days/Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Choice of 2 Class Times

The 301 Course is divided into three rotating sections with a new group of students joining the classes every month. Like the 201 Course, the 301 Course also features a different Instructor for each lesson.

Students in 301 complete two prerecorded video lessons per week and attend a live Zoom Q&A interactive discussion with Instructors and peers for each lesson.

The 301 course is designed to prepare students for the rigors of internship by focusing on the skills of risk assessment, clinical note taking and managing a private practice. In addition, the 301 course focuses on the treatment of the presenting issues, the student will most likely be encountering in their hypnotherapy practice.

In addition to the 24 unique lectures and live Q&A discussions with Instructors, students are also encouraged to lean into their attendance and participation in Practicum Workshops. 301 students are also encouraged to start attending the 501 Clinical Case Conference and Clinical Case History Series courses presented in second semester. Previewing these important clinical courses further prepares the 301 student to start seeing real clients in the Community Service Program and private practice.

301-1 – Emotional and Physical Sexuality 1

Developed by HMI Founder Dr. John Kappas, PhD, LMFT, the model of Emotional and Physical Sexuality (E&P) is without question, one of HMI’s most powerful tools for understanding and predicting the behavior of clients. In this lesson, HMI Director and Marriage Family Therapist George Kappas will introduce you to the E&P model in a presentation you are not likely to forget.

301-2 – Emotional and Physical Sexuality 2

In E&P Part 2, Mr. Kappas expands on the model of E&P to explain the influences of ethnicity, incongruities, defense mechanisms and other possible mitigating factors in the relationship behavior of clients. This class leaves students with a greater confidence and assimilation of the E&P model and their ability to apply it in a therapeutic setting.

301-3 – Family Systems

Presented by Tanya Nord, MA, CCHt, the Family Systems model provides the Hypnotherapist with an alternative outlook on the client’s symptoms as functional in the context of the subconscious forces inherent in romantic and family relationships. This understanding opens the door for HMI graduates to work in conjunction with LMFTs and LCSWs, whose clinical viewpoint originates from this basic tenet.

301-4 – Healing the Inner Child 1

Inner child work is an effective and highly relied upon therapeutic technique for many hypnotherapists. In this two-part certification course, you will learn how to identify and connect with the hurt inner child in the subconscious mind of your adult client. Cheryl O’Neil, CCHt, will guide you in the skills set of using inner child imagery work for freeing the client from the limiting and negative impacts of a hurt inner child. This class provides two group imagery experiences.

301-5 – Healing the Inner Child 2

Part 2 of two-part series delves into Unfair Hurt. A variety of hypnotherapeutic strategies are discussed, as well as how to build a positive subconscious system to replace the hurt child system of long ago. A six-session plan is explored, and hypnotherapist Tip Sheets are provided and hypnotic journeys, suggestions, phrases, and imagery nanos, round out the Healing the Inner Child Handbook. This class also provides a demo, and two more group imagery experiences.

301-6 – Introduction to Handwriting Analysis

Another pioneering concept by Dr. John Kappas was his extensive use of handwriting analysis as an “ideomotor response” that provides valuable insights to the client’s subconscious behaviors and personality traits. In this lesson Elaine Perliss, CCHt, will introduce you to the art and science of Handwriting Analysis, demonstrating the most important elements to immediately begin analyzing your handwriting as well as your client’s.

301-7 – Advanced Law and Ethics

Bruce Bonnett, CCHt, combines his experience as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, past President of the Hypnotherapists Union, and Harvard Law Graduate, to deliver this important presentation on Advanced Law and Ethics. This class includes specifics on the use of disclaimers and recommended practices to limit liability, how laws vary state to state, region by region and clear guidance for the road to professional success.

301-8 – Review and Test

The 301 course is divided into three rotating sections. It does not matter which section the student does first. In the Review and Test class, HMI Instructors conduct a thorough review of each section of the 301 course. This is the student’s opportunity to ask questions and seek clarity on any concepts or content from the previous classes in the section of the course before taking the exam.

301-9 – Risk Assessment and Crisis Intervention

The feeling of “safety” for both you and your client is without question the most important part of your new hypnotherapy practice. Establishing that feeling starts with a good initial intake that includes risk assessment and scope of practice. It also includes being prepared to handle crisis situations should they arise in your client’s life. Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Randy Kasper, PhD, will guide you through this important skill set.

301-10 – Introduction to Business and Internship

Internship is the most important part of your HMI education. In this class, HMI Instructor, Elaine Perliss, CCHt, guides students through the essential first steps for success in Internship, so they can hit the ground running the week they enter 501. This class includes an introduction to starting your Business Plan, guidelines for setting up a practice, qualification to receive clients through HMI’s Community Service Program, and more.

301-11 – Clinical Note Taking

The skill and practice of clinical note taking is what separates professionals in the art of counseling from non-professionals. In this important class, Licensed Psychologist, Betsy Bates Freed, PhD, will teach you the purpose, form and execution of professional clinical note taking and how it will supercharge your private practice and connection with clients. HMI provides interns an online HIPAA friendly secure clinical note taking application to use during internship.

301-12 – Introduction to Mind-Body Psychology

Hypnotherapy is considered by many the ultimate therapeutic modality for tapping into the healing potential of the mind-body connection. In this introductory lesson, Karen Veloz, CCHt, will show you how Transpersonal Psychology, Somatic Psychology, Depth Psychology, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Attachment Repair and more, can be effectively incorporated into your hypnotherapy practice.

301-13 – Stop Smoking/Vaping 1

Feeling 100% competent and prepared to assist clients to stop smoking is the cornerstone of a successful hypnotherapy practice. Many people initially seek hypnotherapy to stop smoking and then afterward decide to work on other personal goals. HMI Senior Instructor John Melton, CCHt, shares his more than 25 years of experience helping people to stop smoking and the step-by-step strategies and procedures he has honed for successful results.

301-14 – Stop Smoking/Vaping 2

In part 2 of this certification course, John Melton, CCHt, shares how to apply his stop smoking strategies to the exploding demand for helping people to stop vaping and chewing tobacco. In both classes, you will be provided a wealth of information and materials making you feel 100% confident in your knowledge and preparedness to help people to stop smoking, vaping, and chewing tobacco. Your certification will testify to your expertise.

301-15 – Advertising and Promotion

Advertising, promotion, and business practices are important skill sets for students who desire a private practice in hypnotherapy. In the first lesson of this 5-part series, HMI Director George Kappas, MA, LMFT, will outline a simple 12-step process that will serve as the foundation of your marketing strategy. These simple and effective steps will guide you on the launch of the private practice you desire.

301-16 – Review and Test

The 301 course is divided into three rotating sections. It does not matter which section the student does first. In the Review and Test class, HMI Instructors conduct a thorough review of each section of the 301 course. This is the student’s opportunity to ask questions and seek clarity on any concepts or content from the previous classes in the section of the course before taking the exam.

301-17 – Low Blood Sugar

Dr. John Kappas was a pioneer in the Mind/Body connection, and revealing how our diets and blood sugar fluctuations can affect our mood and behavior. In this fun and enlightening lesson, Susie Kappas, CCHt, teaches us how understanding the effects of low blood sugar can greatly enhance your hypnotherapy practice. She provides a detailed understanding of the syndrome as well as strategies that can provide your clients life-changing results.

301-18 – General Self Improvement

Susie Kappas, CCHt, teaches how to create life-long habits that support your goals. It is those daily habits and tiny routines that make big dreams come true! Presenting the Hypnotherapist as powerful Life Coach for the subconscious mind, Susie, in her sweet and lively way, will fill your toolbox with the day-to-day tried and true workhorses of a successful hypnotherapy practice. This class is as personally empowering as it is fun.

301-19 – Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a pervasive issue in society today. It would be almost impossible to be in private practice for any length of time without encountering clients who may or may not realize they have this issue. Using humor and personal experiences, HMI Director George Kappas, MA, LMFT, provides a frank presentation of what the role of the Hypnotherapist should be in the treatment of substance abuse.

301-20 – Medical Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a clinically proven adjunctive tool for the treatment of a wide variety of medical issues. HMI Instructor Lisa Machenberg, CCHt, demonstrates how to work in conjunction with medical professionals and how hypnotic pain control techniques can assist with childbirth and pre- and post-surgery applications. Lisa’s 25+ years of experience make her the perfect guide for your introduction to this important field of study.

301-21 – Habit Control

Habit Control Hypnosis is commonly associated with quitting smoking and losing weight. Many Hypnotherapists make a comfortable living from these two areas alone. HMI Instructor Ted Moreno, CCHt, shares his considerable experience and expertise to demonstrate how you too can help people to successfully lose weight, stop smoking, and overcome other habits such as nail biting, tardiness, study habits and more.

301-22 – Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI), supported by over 200 randomized controlled trials is a collaborative, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavioral change by helping clients to notice and resolve therapeutic resistance and ambivalence. Join HMI’s AOS Professor Dr. Randy Kasper in this information packed, experiential seminar, that will prove to be a game changing addition to your Hypnotherapy toolbox.

301-23 – Driving Anxiety and Social Phobias

Driving anxiety is one of the most searched keywords for self-improvement. Social anxiety, including agoraphobia is also a highly prevalent and sought after service. Hypnotherapy is the treatment of choice for both of these issues. Success with these issues requires a thorough understanding of the psychology interplay that underlies these two common maladies. Let expert Ted Moreno, CCHt, show you how to master the treatment for these two important services.

301-24 – Review and Test

The 301 course is divided into three rotating sections. It does not matter which section the student does first. In the Review and Test class, HMI Instructors conduct a thorough review of each section of the 301 course. This is the student’s opportunity to ask questions and seek clarity on any concepts or content from the previous classes in the section of the course before taking the exam.