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HMI Clinical Hypnotherapy Program

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Tuesday, November 05, 2024


HMI’s one year of Professional Hypnotherapy Training is presented in six sequential steps. These steps provide a progression of experiences that eases the student gradually and comfortably into the skills of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

The pages that follow will explain in detail the goals and content of each course. The area below offers a thumbnail summary of the entire six steps.

101 Hypnosis

The Hypnosis 101 course represents the first step in your HMI journey. Many students consider it one of the most fun and exciting stages of the training. Featuring two HMI Staff Instructors, Hypnosis 101 is balanced between lecture, demonstrations, and supervised practice, with the express purpose of teaching you the foundations of what hypnosis is and “How to Hypnotize.”

201 Clinical Hypnosis

The 101 Course laid the foundation for hypnosis theory and learning how to hypnotize. The 201 Course builds upon that foundation by introducing you to a wide variety of hypnotherapy styles, theories, and modalities. Each lecture features a different Instructor, representing their expertise on each style or modality. Students complete two prerecorded video lessons per week and attend a live Zoom Q&A, interactive discussion with Instructors and peers for each lesson.

301 Hypnotherapy

The 301 Course is divided into three rotating sections with a new group of students joining the classes every month. Like the 201 Course, the 301 Course also features a different Instructor for each lesson. Students in 301 complete two prerecorded video lessons per week and attend a live Zoom Q&A interactive discussion with Instructors and peers for each lesson.

401 Elective Hours

HMI Elective Courses provide students the opportunity to self-direct a portion of their curriculum to match their individual interests and professional goals. Elective Courses run concurrent with both Semesters One and Two. Students have two options to earn these hours. Elective Courses can provide students the opportunity to earn additional certifications in such subjects as NLP, Therapeutic Imagery, Past-Life Regression, ADHD, PTSD, and more.

501 Clinical Hypnotherapy

Semester Two at HMI represents your transition from student to Intern to working professional. HMI Interns start working with clients from all over the world via Zoom. Interns discuss their work with clients with HMI Senior Staff Instructors in group supervision classes. Case Conferences are offered five days a week.

Credit Hours and Semester Unit Totals

  • Credit Hours: 720.0
  • Semester Units: 24.0