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Alternative to Psychology Degree

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Tuesday, April 15, 2025

Shopping for a Degree in Psychology? – STOP!

Did you know… You can have a rewarding counseling career without a traditional psychology degree?

Interested in a private practice as a counselor? Pondering over a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate in Psychology? Under the impression that the sole route to a counseling profession is by becoming a licensed Psychologist or Marriage and Family Therapist?

Before you decide, consider an alternative that might save you up to $200,000 and spare you four to eight years of your life.

Perhaps you found this page while looking for a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, or maybe a Master’s or Doctorate. Are you passionate about counseling?

Is it your goal to have a private practice as a licensed Psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapist, or Clinical Social Worker? Intrigued by the freedom of self-employment, setting your rates, and managing your own hours?

Aiding others through counseling is indeed commendable. Yet, many believe the only route to this noble goal is through traditional psychology programs. Sound familiar?

Regrettably, numerous students complete their Master’s or Doctorate in Psychology, hopeful for a promising career, only to find themselves $200,000 in debt.

Moreover, post-graduation, they discover an additional 4-5 years is needed as an “intern” to accumulate 3,000 to 4,000 licensure hours – and internship often not covered by their graduate school. These hopefuls must secure these opportunities independently.

Then, after the colossal debt and internship hours, there is still the challenging State Licensing Exam to contend with. Did you know that some graduate schools have only a 50% pass rate on the State Exam?

Can you visualize it? Being in the future, heavily indebted, and yet to kick off the counseling career you once dreamt of? This is a harsh reality for many.

After five to eight years, even if you pass the psychology licensing exam and get licensed, you’ll only then start to learn how to market and establish your private practice. Meanwhile, the $200,000 student loan remains. Does this scenario resonate with you?

Now, this entire ordeal presumes you already have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. If not, what kind of time and money are we discussing?

A Bachelor’s in Psychology is essentially a general education degree. Think of it as an extended version of high school, involving English, Math, Geography, Science, and a sprinkling of Psychology courses. Unlike degrees in fields like chemistry or engineering, a Bachelor’s in Psychology doesn’t prepare or qualify you for private practice or any actual psychology career.

How long is this foundational degree, you ask? Typically, four years if pursued full-time. But if you’re 40 or 50 years of age, juggling work and family, full-time schooling isn’t an option, especially when it doesn’t set you up for the counseling role you desire. If you go part-time, that four-year degree might now take you 6 or more years.

Tuition at a state school can range between $30,000 to $60,000. Opt for a private institution, and it jumps to $60,000 to $120,000.

Keep in mind, that’s just the prelude to another 2 to 8 years and $200,000 for a psychology graduate program. Does any of this seem logical to you? There is definitely something broken in the field of psychology training.

But what if there was a way to bypass traditional undergraduate or graduate psychology schooling and attain the rewarding private practice career you’ve been yearning for in one year?

Imagine… Starting your Private Practice counseling career in just 1 year, as opposed to the 8 to 10 years required in a conventional Psychology Graduate School program.

So… What is the alternative?

Well, HMI’s Accredited College of Hypnotherapy, with over 50 years of success, is one really good choice. In just one year at HMI’s College, all online and with less than $10k of student debt, you can achieve all this and beyond!

Add an additional year of study at HMI and you can obtain a degree in Mind-Body Psychology, supervised and taught by graduate level clinical psychology professors.

Now, what if the total cost for both the Clinical Hypnotherapy diploma and the Mind-Body Psychology degree was $20,000, rather than $200,000?

Does that make more sense?

There’s more…

HMI’s one-year Clinical Hypnotherapy program includes six months of internship with clients provided, with clinical supervision under veteran Hypnotherapy Instructors.

HMI’s second-year, Mind-Body Degree program includes an additional 12 months of internship with clients provided and clinical supervision by licensed Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Clinical Social Workers.

And get this, qualified students start their training with no money down! Monthly payments of approximately $100 commence 6 months post-graduation.

To reiterate…

  • Acquire an Accredited Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with six months of supervised internship, starting your private practice with under $10,000 in student debt. Start your private practice and start charging fees just six months after you start your training.
  • Optionally, continue for a second year to earn an Accredited Occupational Degree in Mind-Body Psychology. This comes with an extra year of internship supervised by professionals in psychology, marriage and family therapy, and clinical social work.
  • By the time you graduate, you’ve already embarked on your private practice journey for 18 months with a manageable $20,000 in student debt.
  • Plus, you don’t make your first payment towards tuition until 30 months after you start your training.

Let’s list those benefits again…

  • Starting your counseling career within the initial six months.
  • An internship program supplying clients, supervision, and practical experience.
  • A year’s clinical supervision under licensed PhD psychology professors.
  • Courses on marketing, social media promotion, and business strategies that traditional psychology schools lack.
  • No upfront fees with a 36-month payment deferral for two-year students.
  • Only a high school diploma required.
  • 100% online education, allowing you to study from your home’s comfort.

How can HMI College of Hypnotherapy offer all this and more?

It might sound too good to be true, but it is real. We’re a unique institution with unparalleled opportunities. Many other colleges and universities are unaware of HMI or even hypnotherapy as a separate field.

We are the only Accredited College of Hypnotherapy in the nation that offers more than a mere class in hypnotherapy. So now you can see why we say that contrary to popular belief, a traditional psychology degree isn’t the only pathway to a rewarding counseling career.

HMI’s College of Hypnotherapy is for many, the smarter, more fulfilling choice. All it takes is a willingness to think outside the box.

How does private hypnotherapy practice compare?

Hypnotherapy integrates Somatic Psychology, Depth Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Spiritual Psychology, Positive Psychology, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Plus, it emphasizes hypnosis to influence the subconscious mind and autonomic nervous system.

Hypnotherapists specialize in “vocational and avocational self-improvement counseling.” They don’t treat severe “emotional or mental disorders” like those in the DSM. Only 15% of the population struggles with such disorders, per the American Psychiatric Association. So, what about the rest? For those seeking motivation, stress relief, or fear management, which professional is best?

More and more psychology professionals today are opting out of diagnosing and working with severe disorders. They want clients likely to succeed in therapy and who can pay for their services. Hypnotherapists can also work with a wide variety of medical issues, including pain management, given a doctor’s referral.

Surveys show that most hypnotherapy clients have already tried traditional talk therapies, and are now seeking something different, more effective, more results oriented. Hypnotherapy offers just that and more.

One last time – Why choose Hypnotherapy over Traditional Psychology?

To become a Psychologist, in California for example, state law requires a Doctorate Degree in Psychology plus 3,000 hours of unpaid internship. That’s 8-12 years of commitment before even starting your career!

Compare the typical debt of $75,000-$200,000 for a Master’s Degree to HMI’s Hypnotherapy programs. HMI’s one-year diploma is roughly $10,000. An additional year for an Occupational Degree in Mind-Body Psychology doubles that.

These programs offer intensive hands-on training and supervision by seasoned professionals. After a year at HMI, many grads charge $100-$150 per hour.

HMI’s Offer: 60-Day Risk-Free Trial!

Experience HMI’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Training program. If it’s not for you within the first 60 days, leave without any cost or obligation.

Now you can do HMI training 100% online, from the convenience of your own home. It’s a convenient, affordable path to a rewarding career.

Contemplating a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate in Psychology? Explore HMI first. Compare the investment in both time and student debt. We believe you’ll see the unique value HMI offers to those aspiring for a private practice.

Have we helped you to be at least curious? Here’s how to learn more:

We look forward to meeting you soon!

21 Days Left!
Next Class Starts
Tuesday, April 15, 2025